I hope she realizes that the world is bigger than she thinks. Recognition from some mistress you serve is not a very big ambition. She has the talent to cure, and the spirits to guide her. If I were her, I'd travel the world and cure people, research about undiscovered diseases.
Plus I don't like the fact that the "ML" refers to her as a game/reward. Wth is with that. She just got out from her prison called home and now she's pretty much trapping herself in another one
The Main character is very patient, if I were her I don't know what I would've done. She really loves the children but the others can't see that. They all think she's trying to manipulate everyone into liking her, If I were her I would've left a long time ago. The duke was the one that's asking for a favour to be the children's nanny but look at how he's treating her. I don't see the romantic chemistry between them ngl, they're better off as friends