hotpickle's experience ( All 1 )

does that make sense? my account was born today... wooo to me... ive been using this site for a long time before that but i made an account last year...prolly the best decision i made...>< anyway have a good day y'all and stay safe   reply
20 06,2021

hotpickle's answer ( All 81 )

im turning 18 in a month and a half   1 reply
24 07,2021
just like how people with depression should "just stop being sad" right? just like how infertile people should just "fuck" right? just like how people who suffer from ptsd should "get over it" right?   reply
23 07,2021
5 years old... been reading on here since i was in the womb... fight me bitch-   reply
22 07,2021
bitch- if u went to the extant of making a LITERAL BODY PILLOW... then u know that u could've sold the organs in the black market right?? u could've preserved the body by draining it of all blood so that it wouldn't decay.. u would've made a body pillow AND have gotten money... stop being such a disappointment...cant even do a body pillow right........   reply
22 07,2021
i've ascended into another realm of self confidence after this-   reply
21 07,2021

hotpickle's question ( All 5 )

okay so if there are any fellow South Asians, Middle Easterners and North Africans..
please answer cuz i would like to know..

im from south asia but i was and born and currently living in the middle east...
what i wanna talk bout is sexual assault and how it is dealt with...
and why the assaulters are fearing the law system less and less....

the middle east is mostly well least where i am from...I've heard that if someone was assaulted here... then it wouldn't publicised at all...even if the victim passes away... idk how much i can trust this statement but i genuinely have never heard of sexual assault victims or cases ever being talked about where i am from so i think it holds some merit to it..

and the main reason i wanted to address this is...
im gonna leave for south asia soon for my higher education... and south asia is quite well known for their traumatising sexual assault cases...

and tho im going back to my home country.... im more scared of the place...
and it does not help when my parents tell me to " always make sure ur phone is fully charged before u leave the house.. send pictures of the license plate before u enter a cab... if its dark outside call us or a friend u trust and stay on call till u reach home and lock the door.... when ur at a party always have an eye on ur drinks..dont stay out too late..if ur staying over at a friends place make sure the parents are at home jic"

i want to talk about a lot of cases that took place in south asia too...but i dont know much about them and i havent researched enough so if i say sumn insensitive or inaccurate i would feel bad so...
uhm what im trying to say is..i just want someone to talk to bout this...

like anyone..
if uk more about the cases then please do tell me what uk bout them and how it had been solved...
i would really appreciate it...
16 07,2021
about question
okay so the last time i saw someone do this the server turned out to be hella if yall wanna join a non toxic safe space then yeahh sure click the link..(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

but that also means u have no rights to say stuff that may hurt others or be anything close to toxic.. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

we trying to make it an all in all in we can talk bout different genres and not just yaoi...><
the server name is as such cuz we have 0 creativity..lmaoo
anyway join and lets talkkkk about sacrificing the starights..UwU
12 02,2021
people out there attacking all fujoshis and CLAIMING we all be fetishizing gay we have nothing else to do tf-
i get yall's issues but take it some place where people would actually care..

what type of fujoshi/danshi/jin are you?
im 5,6,7,8,

now if anyone choose 2,3...attack them...
yall dumb af-

(i wrote this 8 hours ago and left the tab open and didnt post it....i really woke up today and chose war...imma still post it cuz i wanna see what yall say..><)
17 01,2021
i got 55..welp-
idk if i can finish it today..Q-Q
but i dont like keeping shit for tomorrow so imma try and finish em all today..><
19 12,2020
about bad ends
[this might be a bit long..>< sowwy]
SUPPORTIVE PARENTS are sumn everyone wants in life but shit looks so close yet so far from ever being reality...

when i came out as pan to my parents..
rather than them not being accepting of me it was more painful when they were cool with whoever i decided to "fuck" as long as i got married to a MAN in the end..
it would have genuinely hurt less if they were not accepting of me..
but what they did..not only crushed everything ive build up till broke my image of my parents..
They dont act indifferent to me and behave still the same..its me who cant see them the same way..but we gotta try uk..

im still a student..and im still living under my i decided to suppress myself until ive reached a position where i dont need to be under them anymore ,i.e., a stable job with stable income..

when i came out to my actually made me forget bout how my parents reacted and even made me happy..
we were watching unus annus and mark and ethan cracked a gay i looked over to see my brothers reaction but dude had the most nonchalant face ever..couldnt read him for shit.. i paused the video and turned to him..
but bitch looked at me like he was gon kill me for pausing..><
so i just told him in frustration and boi legit went "yeah..okay..can u play it now?"
(i asked him bout this later and he said he didnt even hear what i said but he knew it was probably me coming out..T-T)

so to all my fellow siblingssss out theree..who r probably going through the same thing..
ur not alone... i love you<3
WE NEED YOU IN ORDER TO SACRFICE THE STRAIGHTS TO RESURRECT THE DEMON LORD WHO WILL HENCE FORTH BRING THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL HUMANS (u need big weeb brain to get this one..but ill give u a hint..according to most homophobes we are DEMONS and go to HELL)

and it WILL ALWAYS get better in the give it time..don't do anything stupid ON A WHIM...major regrets will await u in the future if u dont heed my warning..XD

Just as much lemons life throws at will also throw as much fortune...<3
23 11,2020

People are doing

did finding good song

been listening to mizisua cover nonstop since it dropped <3

2 hours
want to do break old habits

I would like to stop judging cringy people. to be cringe is to be free, they say.

3 hours
did lgbt

what's wrong with illegibility?

7 hours