with the amount of sex theyre having MAY THE VASECTOMY FAILS AND HE GETS PREGNANT (idk if thats how it works but yeah)
Yes a vasectomy can fail!! Late vasectomies can fail within 1 in 2,000 cases. So about 0.05%. It’s over a 99% effective rate however it can still fail (hopefully in this case hehehe)
Rather than having it fail, why not just have him reverse it after they talk? ToT they seem to communicate well enough.
i could handle the ice cubes in the origin of species but TOMATOES????
Riigghhttt hahahaha
with the amount of sex theyre having MAY THE VASECTOMY FAILS AND HE GETS PREGNANT (idk if thats how it works but yeah)
Yes a vasectomy can fail!! Late vasectomies can fail within 1 in 2,000 cases. So about 0.05%. It’s over a 99% effective rate however it can still fail (hopefully in this case hehehe)
Rather than having it fail, why not just have him reverse it after they talk? ToT they seem to communicate well enough.