The Silent Reading Club
The brother killed himself because he hated the freedom his brother had with a healthy body and thought that he only pitied him but he could never hate his brother the MC because he was so kind to him... after getting some freedom by going to boarding school he got involved in a gay relationship... while trying to keep it a secret by dating a girl she find out and hurts her feeling to where she wants to kill herself after he ends up telling her to while in the heat of the moment... the guilt of her being sent to the hospital (but not dying) along with his messed up life he KILLS HIMSELF, but the friends and gay relationship he was in were all in on it and tried to blame everything on him too. The guy who he was in a relationship with basically drove him to kill himself and in the end, he might not have even loved him.
The mother knew the whole time why her son killed himself (since the beginning) but was in denial even when the MC brought it up to her she said there is no way it's true
The Duke's Servant
Wow the ending was a shocker and a bit sad for one of the characters but overall everyone had a happy ending...
Here U Are
MC gay accepted by his current friends but not his parents or people from his past (he has trust issues because of this). Seme looks hard to get along with but is so sweet and it's a long but beautiful journey the MC and him go through to end up being married and living together in the future being accepted by everyone!!!
About 3 side stories mixes throughout the manga and just as complex.
La Dolce Vita di Adelaide