Yet again we got another asshole readers bruh most of these bottoms be catching feelings for the wrong person every time never the less I still feel bad because the uke doesn’t deserve this crap

Most uke’s you see in manhwa get treated badly some are treated badly because they like someone who is homophobic some are treated badly because the person they love doesn’t like them back it’s pretty much common at this point if the uke is not getting treated badly the manhwa or manga just can’t go on Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

When I read that sentence I know this motherfucker was looking for threesome like bitch ugh I don’t even know what to say but that other is so fucking nice like the uke should move on and try starting something with the other bug scary guy that comes to the store I described as big and scary because that’s how the uke describes him (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
This is freaky we even have hands crawling around on their own detached from their bodies