Finally a female character I can relate too:) get it girl..
Crying.....this was A beautiful Chapter..
Not for me but cute story ...
Love this..I have been waiting so long for somebody to continue translating this..thanks translator-San!
This shouldn’t be a one shot!!!:(
Well it is marked as incomplete so hopefully there will be more.
I felt bad for the sister at first but ..the apples don’t fall far from the tree lol..good on her for not putting up with shit...
Bad ass fight..the ant was thinking he was hot shit against the MC..the king of hell and the dead..mawhahaha the ant didn’t stand a chance when do we get to see the MCs dad???
The awaited chapter..fuck so bad ass..I hope the artist has recovered :)
I hope the white haired guy is on their side..forgot his name
Fuck that puta..
Finally a female character I can relate too:) get it girl..