Teplatli October 27, 2017 1:06 pm

I like the uke but this manga lacks sexual tension and romance, some how. I think they are cute but... I don't know. I feel more depressed rather than excited while reading this.

    AdoreX October 27, 2017 3:19 pm

    I mean isnt it smh refreshing xD?

    Errant Belle October 27, 2017 3:38 pm

    I've been thinking the same thing!
    It's weird to say this about 2-D characters, but the truth is that the main characters don't seem to have any chemistry between them.
    Basically, when he was declaring his love I just didn't buy it.
    And if the one guy truly is straight, why can't they just be friends?
    This is basically the same as me falling in love with a gay man and expecting him to turn straight for me.
    Sorry, but even if someone really loves you, without attraction it's platonic love, which is great, but not the basis for a romantic relationship.

    Teplatli October 28, 2017 8:04 am
    I mean isnt it smh refreshing xD? AdoreX

    It's a little unique, I have to say. I just wish I didn't feel so down when I read it.

    Teplatli October 28, 2017 8:04 am
    I've been thinking the same thing!It's weird to say this about 2-D characters, but the truth is that the main characters don't seem to have any chemistry between them.Basically, when he was declaring his love I... Errant Belle

    I feel the same way.

    youraedthiswrogn October 28, 2017 10:25 pm
    I've been thinking the same thing!It's weird to say this about 2-D characters, but the truth is that the main characters don't seem to have any chemistry between them.Basically, when he was declaring his love I... Errant Belle

    I think the idea was that the seme hadn't been in any intimate relationships so he was only assuming he is straight by default? Suddenly having a gay man approach you when you aren't sure if you can be with a man is concerning, hence the 1 month trial to test the waters.

    Teplatli October 29, 2017 9:24 am
    I think the idea was that the seme hadn't been in any intimate relationships so he was only assuming he is straight by default? Suddenly having a gay man approach you when you aren't sure if you can be with a m... youraedthiswrogn

    You're right. It's a good plot and I like it but I really wish that the MC will be happy soon. I understand the semes dilemma, but I wasn't ready for this manga to feel so hollow. I read very sad mangas also, but I kind of expect it then.

Teplatli October 25, 2017 11:04 am

The uke <3 I love when they are manly. I'm not a teen anymore so I love these more masculine guys a lot more now. I liked them before, but you know... I 100% prefer them now.

Teplatli October 25, 2017 8:44 am

I don't know why but the officer looks korean to me... yum yum... my boyfriend is korean btw...

Teplatli October 24, 2017 11:25 am

I once said that I hate when they color a page, but this was colored beautifully! It looks like watercolor. <3 It's different when the original mangaka colors the pages I guess.

Teplatli October 23, 2017 9:41 pm

Can you guys stop talking about rape? This is fiction. This is nothing like real life. Just stop preaching already, it just makes it sound like you want this to be like real life. This is just gay porn made for women. Nothing like real life, at all. I am against rape, but preaching so seriously about it when it's only in a fictional, VERY fictional scenario, it just seems... like you have unrealistic expectations.

    Anonymous October 23, 2017 10:49 pm

    Tbh the only reason people are "preaching" is because people keep saying that this is realistic. Most bdsm manga is straight up rape porn so when people see "Omg! A manga that portrays real BDSM! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ" on the homage they get curious to see said manga(that's how it was for my anyway). And upon reading the manga, it was discovered that this manga is no different than the other "bdsm" manga. At which point they comment their thoughts and reactions related the manga and other comments.

    Congrats for realizing this is fiction. Pretty sure everyone pointing out this is not like real bdsm is aware of that though.

    agender.hardyaoilover October 23, 2017 11:45 pm
    Tbh the only reason people are "preaching" is because people keep saying that this is realistic. Most bdsm manga is straight up rape porn so when people see "Omg! A manga that portrays real BDSM! ε=ε=(ノ�... @Anonymous

    Most of yaois contain rape. What are you talking about? it does not matter whether it's bdsm manga or not.You are just overreacting,I think.

    agender.hardyaoilover October 23, 2017 11:47 pm
    Tbh the only reason people are "preaching" is because people keep saying that this is realistic. Most bdsm manga is straight up rape porn so when people see "Omg! A manga that portrays real BDSM! ε=ε=(ノ�... @Anonymous

    Most yaoi manga is straight up rapey gay porn.Remember it.

    Anonymous October 24, 2017 1:38 am
    Most yaoi manga is straight up rapey gay porn.Remember it. agender.hardyaoilover

    Way to state the obvious. Not overreacting, just giving an opinion. Chill.

    Teplatli October 24, 2017 10:24 am

    I didn't mean this as an insult to a specific person. No need to be condescending. I just think it is weird how I always see these rape comments on almost every yaoi. There is no need to preach about how rape is awful because this is just fantasies. Real rape is out of your control, but in a fantasy, you always have control. Even if you fantasize about not having control. Most rape fantasies are about having your prude control taken away by someone ideal, but this is still your fantasy, in your own control. I do not personally like to read the yaois which are written like the point of view from the actual rapist, like most of Haradas work. I still don't read them and later leave a comment preaching about rape, as if people haven't already realized that this is fiction. I see it so often it makes me believe that the people making these comments are the actual ones who doesn't realize that this isn't an portrayal of real life.

    Anonymous October 24, 2017 11:53 pm

    So, why are you reading a yaoi, since it doesn't have sex in it? I mean if it's not really rape it's not really sex for one thing. Anything other than that is hypocrisy. If you want to tell me that you read something to imagine yourself in that situation, you just brought the story into reality.

    Besides, for another thing, YOU are real, the WRITER is real, the WRITER is writing for a real AUDIENCE and the STORY is written within the auspices of reality. It CANNOT be divorced from reality. Or do you REALLY think that it's possible that these stories have NO basis in reality? If that's the case, the FACT that people are talking about bdsm and rape in the 'real' world vs the fictional world SHOULD have disabused you of that notion, IMMEDIATELY. But you seem relatively clueless so I really shouldn't be surprised, either.

    No, it is not gay porn made for women. It is porn that can be just as flawed as video porn. It CAN rely on and use the very same misogynistic stereotypes that EVERYONE sees in their daily lives. Why do you THINK that in the times when misogyny was more prominent that stories CONTAINED more misogynistic elements? Coincidence? I think not, sweetcheeks.

    Anonymous October 25, 2017 12:51 am
    I didn't mean this as an insult to a specific person. No need to be condescending. I just think it is weird how I always see these rape comments on almost every yaoi. There is no need to preach about how rape i... Teplatli

    So what's sauce for the goose is NOT sauce for the gander? Why are you being condescending towards others but whining when others are being condescending towards you, THEN turning around and preaching that this is just fiction, when you JUST used a very similar judgmental attitude that is often used in this so-called gay porn for women? For ex: those that are usually relegated to the women's role cannot resort to a similar recourse that was used against them by those who are usually relegated to the man's role.

    This is not just fantasy for SOME people, either, sweetcheeks. Some women who were raped DO read fiction (I know it's a shock to naive little you but it's true) and they even read... wait for it... rape fiction *gasp*! BUT they want to read fiction that treats rape in a BELIEVABLE manner. Look up the critics of Game of Thrones if you don't believe me, sweetums. Or do you think they shouldn't have the right to read whatever they want like YOU do? You're just spouting bigotry if you don't and hypocrisy if you do.

    Prude control? Wow, that was just rude.

    It's a fact that more (although definitely not half, definitely not most and DEFINITELY not ALL) of Harada's works present rape better than the ones that you were talking about people 'preaching' about, before. Why? Because they don't treat rape frivolously. The ones you're talking about DO treat rape that way.

    So that's the first thing you're obviously confused about: that something is considered rapey merely because rapists are bad (otherwise why would you even suggest that the cringeworthy feelings reading from a rapist's point of view give you, could have been motivation for YOU to leave a comment about rape) NOT because victims are harmed which is the REAL truth? Oops?

    The story is not about YOU (I'm gonna simplify the first part of my last post a bit so that even YOU can understand it). For someone who likes to actually preach this is 'just' fiction, you sure like to make the story ABOUT you or other real persons.

    That's the second thing you're confused about: who is really treating this as fiction and who is NOT.

    Also, way to miss the f****** point, AGAIN. People are RESPONDING to OTHER people who ASSUME that this is an example of what 'real' BDSM and 'real' consent are like. If you wanted to 'prove' you were the one separating fiction from reality why didn't you ALSO address the ones whose opinions were more like yours but CLEARLY couldn't separate fact from fiction? Yes, this is a rhetorical question.

    Thanks for proving who are really the ones who can separate fact from fiction: ANYONE but YOU.


    Teplatli October 25, 2017 9:23 am
    So what's sauce for the goose is NOT sauce for the gander? Why are you being condescending towards others but whining when others are being condescending towards you, THEN turning around and preaching that thi... @Anonymous

    Realistic rape, like Harada is writing about, is not an enjoyable fiction. It is very much like in real life, but also often written from the rapist point of view so I do not like to read them because I was raped myself. I still am able to differ between the kinky rape fantasies and the realistically written rape scenes. I do not know why you got so angry and write like in a belittling manner when I am just trying to discuss something which occurs way too often in here. And why was prude control even rude? A lot of people feel like they have to act all innocent and prude and feels shame because they have sexual desires, especially sexually harassed people. Fiction is a great way to let these things out, because I don't think (almost) anyone would like to be whisked away by a sexually aggressive male in real life. You clearly missed my point and your immature way of writing just proves that I somehow poked at a sore spot in you and maybe you just lashed out without thinking about what I really said. You seem to not be able to discuss about this with an open and unbiased mind. I'm sorry if you feel like what I say is condescending, but I still feel like a lot of people in here don't understand that yaoi is not an portrayal of real life. And I am not missing the point, I didn't even mention anything about what real BDSM is or even if this yaoi represents it. I do not know much about BDSM because it is not my thing, and I didn't enjoy this yaoi either, but did I even comment about that? No, because it wasn't my point. I also have to add that your caps lock and "sweetums" isn't making your argument seem any more valid. And how dare you make this into a personal matter, calling me naive when you know nothing about me? You don't know my age or my gender, or my backstory. You don't know what I've been through, and I don't know what you've been through. I tried to talk about this like an adult, but I am getting a response like from an angry teenager. I do not know your age, but that is how I interpret your kind of immature response with condescending words and biased outbursts. Please just stop arguing about this because you do not understand my original comment and you also do not seem to want to either.

    Teplatli October 25, 2017 10:46 am

    But overall, this is still fiction. Wether you like it or not. People can read what they want, I don't care. Don't know where you got that, like every other thing you accused me of. I am not making this story about me either, where did you even get that from? Ugh, I am so over this. You're just an anonymous ranter who probably argues every day on the internet. This is actually my first time. Just move on and focus your anger on something else. We don't have to make this discussion into a novel. This is just pathetic at this point. Over a manga? I'm out.

    neko October 26, 2017 1:03 am
    So what's sauce for the goose is NOT sauce for the gander? Why are you being condescending towards others but whining when others are being condescending towards you, THEN turning around and preaching that thi... @Anonymous

    sorry but I don't understand why you suddenly go berserk about teplatli ?

    Harada is a great mangaka but not everyone loves her work, mangago provides a wide range of yaoi, some really disturbing, some of them I wish I hadn't read, some just cute and entertaining and even some without rape ! (yes, yes !)

    personnaly I don't read yaoi to get distressed or angry but to have fun and relax

Teplatli October 4, 2017 12:13 pm

So, this is basically a story about two people settling for someone less because the love of their life died? Why would I want to read that?

    Kin October 4, 2017 9:35 pm

    This is what ruins stories. When they're overly simplified like this.

Teplatli October 4, 2017 11:59 am

I like this plot a lot but the art style is so uneven, for me at least. Sometimes they look really fierce or cute, but then they suddenly look like psychotic ugly rapists, kinda like that slimy guy stalking you in school because you were nice to him one time.

Teplatli October 4, 2017 11:23 am

I love this manga <3 But I don't get why some people decide to color a page. Is it from the original manga, or is it the scanlation group? Either way, it always look tacky and it is distracting and abrupt my reading.

    Nah Nah November 8, 2017 11:15 pm

    Colored pages are the joy of many (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Teplatli September 22, 2017 9:30 am

I liked it, but the dicks could have been more attractive xD

Teplatli September 20, 2017 11:22 am

I fucking love this, because the uke liked it from the beginning. His morals might've not liked it but he's M side is thrilled. Also, the seme knew that the uke liked it, but he also got hard because he noticed how the ukes morals where being tortured. Like a sympathic S. And it turned into something really cute too <3
Btw, love this page http://iweb6.mangapicgallery.com/r/newpiclink/sneaky_red/2/50b0df544f249e5736f1691ba51846d8.jpeg

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