Span of the story takes up to a couple of years.
Okay, so after our MC is with the beastmen (as mentioned in canon, beastmen are discriminated against). Because MC's kingdom announced that they now have the miko, the rival kingdom (I'll just call them K & RK for short), is amping up their enslavement of beastmen & invading other villages. A group of survivors (cat beastmen) end up meeting with MC & the wolf village.

The 7th Prince of RK (13 years old, emo, sad, has no political power) is forced by his dad to lead a troop to invade the villages. His men invaded the cat village & later captures Gaius' dad, who chooses to die rather than give up the location of the wolf village.

When Gaius' dad doesn't come back, Gaius runs into the woods to look for him, but is nearly captured by the Prince's men. MC rushes in to save him & her miko powers create a massive whirlwind that forces them to give up & leave. (7th Prince will remember this....)


MEANWHILE, back at K castle - The church is suspecting Alice to be a fake miko. One of the priests who received a prophecy from God about the miko finally woke up (they all got knocked into a coma shortly after getting the prophecy) & tells them that Alice can't be the miko because the miko should be brunette. So the priest is put under house arrest for a brief while since they have to figure out how to handle this as they already publicly announced that they have the miko. Also, because of Alice's displeasure with the Princess, she was forcibly engaged to the politically unimportant 7th Prince of RK as a pseudo-exile/punishment (she is around his age).

They exchange letters & the 7th Prince asks her if her country really has the miko. Through their letters, 7th tells her about his encounter with the MC & Princess tells him of her suspicions regarding Alice. They slowly manage to put together the real truth from the bits of information they have.

K Kingdom is seemingly falling into ruin with bad harvests & bad weather, even Alice's mom becomes ill. The church, after interrogating the parents about whether or not they had another child, finally are forced to admit that they don't have the real miko. They also condemn the parents, who are defiant & self-righteous to the end. The parents even go so far as to blame Alice for not helping them escape house arrest & blaming MC for all their problems.

The twins' mom used to be from fallen nobility & has become obsessed with regaining her former standing - which is why she's so fixated on Alice (because of her noble-like looks) & hates MC, thinking that she's creepy & uncute. The dad's just a dick who agrees with everything she thinks. She's in complete disbelief of her illness, yelling that she's the miko's mother & should be blessed by God.

Alice is also under house arrest & being charged with the crime of pretending to be the miko. She's outraged & shocked that people aren't treating her with love & respect, but after spending some time in her cell, she self-reflects & realizes that the weird ones were the villagers & her parents, who lauded everything she did, even if it was just existing. Their fanaticism had completely brainwashed her & now that's she's away from any fawning or adoration, she becomes aware of her own failings.

K Kingdom breaks into civil war because of the natural disasters & the fake miko, one of the princes uses the unrest as an excuse to depose the king in a coup. Princess is forced to submit to his faction as she has no power. The nobility in this faction are going to put all the blame of the civil war on Alice, who again - is a freaking KID, & have her executed to appease the ignorant masses.

Princess goes to visit Alice in her cell & to rescue her. They chat briefly & when Princess asks Alice about MC, Alice is like ".....sister? I have a sister? You mean that person who lived in my house?" which shows just how AWFUL the parents treated MC. (I mean Alice didn't even fucking know they were related????)

Anyway, Princess takes Alice to her estate way out in the country to be her maid & to teach her common sense since Alice lacks any real-world knowledge because of how fucked up her village & parents were. Alice is genuinely happy & adapts fairly well, although she is a bit saddened over her label as "fake miko" & how people literally want her dead because of it. A gardener almost tricks her into sneaking out of the estate, but Alice respects Princess' efforts to help her too much to betray her promise to stay on the estate. The gardener grows impatient & attacks her, but luckily Alice is saved by the other staff. Alice asks Princess if she's not allowed to leave because she's the fake miko, but Princess informs her that it's because of Alice's unique looks, which unfortunately make her a prime target for the slave market.

Alice & Princess develop a very close bond & Princess is the person that Alice loves & respects the most, & wishes to always stay by her side & help her. Alice does occasionally think about how MC is doing, but not that often since she's not familiar with MC at all.

The mother dies from illness & the father is captured as a slave during the civil war. He swears vengeance & hate on both of his daughters, blaming them for everything. He escapes & runs into the same woods they abandoned MC in, except since he doesn't have God's blessings, he is immediately killed by a monster. He does not regret or repent his actions even as he's being torn to shreds.

The priest was released from house arrest & sent by the church to go look for MC. He travels into the woods with a female swordsman as his companion. This whole episode has disillusioned him from the church & he just wants to serve MC faithfully.


MC comforts Gaius over the loss of his father. The wolf village is forced to relocate in order to avoid RK's armies. They encounter an elf village, which is cold to them even though they allowed them to stay. The elves refuse to tell them their names.

MC's spiritualness causes her to run into the elves' elder, who is surprised by her ability. It's revealed that the elves were planning to sacrifice the wolves to a demonic creature that has been holding the elves' spirit tree hostage (it's what sustains their village). MC is able to use her spirit powers to defeat the creature & the elves are shown that the creature was never going to uphold its promise as it already drained the spirit tree dry. The spirit tree grants MC a seed to create a new spirit tree (& thus a new elf village) as it dies. The elves & wolves reconcile, although it takes a while for the wolves as they acknowledge the apologies but will not forget this. The elves swear to make up for their error, no matter how long it takes.

So now it's MC, wolves + elves traveling together. They eventually find a nice spot to plant the spirit tree & settle down. They encounter a group of gypsies(?) (not sure what the term is, they look human but they have magic tattoos/markings on them, so they're considered demihumans like the wolves, cats & elves). Unfortunately, there is friction between them & one of the wolves is killed in a conflict that turned physical. The gypsies end up giving their leader's daughter to the village as a political hostage. The gypsies live in their own settlement outside the village for now, while the girl lives in MC's house.

A group of winged people are drawn to MC & fly down to the village to meet her, fighting with the wolves in the process. Nobody has ever heard of this race before (they look like humans but with bird wings) & apparently the winged race is aware of the land-locked races, but they just don't care about them. All they care about is their God & being around MC makes them have the same feeling they have when praying to their God. It's revealed that their God is in fact a massive dragon (wind god) & that MC's miko affinity is best with creatures of flight & wind magic (although she CAN learn all magics.)

Dragon summons MC for a chat & gives her a massive infodump on what a miko is. There is one miko in each generation, but it can appear in any race, which is why it took so long for a human miko to appear (think ATLA rules & how it takes like over a century between a Water Tribe Avatar & the next Water Tribe Avatar :]). Dragon has befriended (& fought) mikos of many races over the years (It was a demon race Miko who eventually befriended Dragon after many battles). A previous miko was on really good terms with Dragon & blessed the entire forest it lives in as a gift.

Mikos are loved by God, but it's more like uhhhh they're the Ultimate Lucky Student lmaooo? Basically, they can still die of natural causes or by just being really dumb, but they have a lower chance because of their high luck stat that extends to their home & surroundings. If they no longer consider an area to be their home, its luck stat abruptly reverses back to normal (which is why K Kingdom was falling apart & the village was in ruins), & it's made worse if the area relied entirely on that luck & didn't bother with putting effort into things.

Village: who cares about fertilizer or anti-pest defenses when we have amazing harvests every year!
Village, 1 year later after MC leaves: FUCK.

And that is why MC had such a shitty life. Because she only had a high passive luck stat & was not guaranteed happiness. Dragon points out that if God controlled how her life went, God would have to control everything & that would negate the whole point of humanity's free will, so while MC is favored by God, MC is not literally Jesus. She's just super lucky & has powerful magic.

Dragon then gifts its egg to MC, saying that the dragonet inside will immediately inherit its wisdom of many years & be a good companion to MC. The winged people are very excited about this & end up becoming a real addition to the village & not just mildly troublesome visitors. The egg hatches into a smol cute dragonet that can't speak yet (makes cute baby noises) but understands & knows basically everything already.

Priest & Swordswoman eventually make it into the village & they are put under house arrest until the village can determine their trustworthiness. MC is worried because the Priest is fanatically devoted to her & idolizes her, & she is afraid that he'll do something drastic if he perceives something to be a slight against her in any way. She tells him her fears upfront & how she does not trust him because of this. He is incredibly moved by her straightforward & honest demeanor & swears to serve her righteously & properly as a person, not as a perfect being. Also, he won't return to the Church or tell them where she is.

Swordswoman has a crush on the Priest & MC encourages her to confess. Priest refuses because he must remain chaste as he is a devoted servant of the Miko. MC tells him that she doesn't care about other people's relationships, so he & the swordswoman try out this awkward new dating thing.

MC also blessed Gaius as a Miko's knight, which unlocked his true potential (he can now turn into a full wolf) & his fur turned silver. MC eventually has the village reconcile with the gypsies & has a proper conversation with the hostage. The hostage is no longer a hostage but lives in the village & she also gets blessed by MC, which unlocked her ability to buff people with her dance (kinda useless in battle since it buffs everyone, not just allies).
She also celebrates her 12th birthday with the villagers.


7th is seriously against all the beastman slavery but feels helpless to do anything but to obey his father. Princess reams him out for being a coward & this pushes him to drastic measures. He now is secretly organizing a beastman slave rebellion against RK Kingdom, buying up tons of beastman slaves & secretly freeing them, letting them escape to beastman freedom movements & to the forest where MC's village is. He also cuts off his engagement with the Princess as to not implicate her in the chance that he fails in his rebellion. Because of his slave buying, he's slandered in RK as a beastman obsessed prince/pervert.

It's revealed that the cat beastmen from earlier were all captured & enslaved. One of them (the one most prickly to MC) was bought as a plaything by a noblewoman. He sucks up to her instead of trying to escape as he wants power in order to free ALL slave beastmen, not just his fellow villagers. The other catbeastmen lambast him as a traitor because of his simpering behavior. 7th makes contact with him & he teams up with 7th in order to fully realize the rebellion. He provides him with contacts to the dragon beastmen rebels, who provide 7th with a water spirit stone to enhance his water magic.

RK is now in open civil war with the slaves & 7th & his troops fight battle after battle to meet with the other princes & to plead with them to join their cause. The princes refuse each time & 7th is forced to kill them one after the other with water magic before finally besieging the castle & killing the king. Now crowned the feared & bloody king of RK, 7th grants a pardon to the cat beastman & reveals how he was assisting with the rebellion & wasn't actually a traitor in order to clear his name among his kind. The nobility fear 7th & the beastmen, expecting a tyrannical reign from them, but 7th is tired & just wants peace & reconstruction. Princess goes to meet him, disregarding the fears of her servants as she believes in him, & insists that their engagement is still valid as she already sent her troops to him to support his coup, so she's involved either way. 7th finally cracks a genuine smile & relents.

The escaped beastmen who made it to MC's village relay the news of what happened to RK & K Kingdoms. The village is obviously torn over the enemy, 7th, being on their side. Gaius in particular, struggles with his feelings of hatred towards 7th & the rationality of beastmen joining 7th's coup. MC assures him that it's natural to feel that way. 7th's men escorted the ex-slaves to the village, but they are kept under close watch & aren't trusted by the villagers yet. The soldiers work hard to gain the villagers' trust.

The priest & Lan decide to make a children's storybook in order to properly relay MC's miko identity (as she now accepts its responsibilities & meaning) to the village since it's getting so big. MC agrees & they work over how to properly tell MC's life in storybook form. MC vetoes the priest's version as it villainizes Alice too much & she wants to keep Alice's portrayal brief but neutral in the book. The book starts with a very brief intro of MC's life in the village & mainly focuses on her & the griffons, as that was when MC truly began to live. Book 2 is focused on the wolves.
2023-03-10 15:36 marked

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