glad there’s at least some outward acknowledgment that the dynamic is not very good like at every opportunity yuri degrades mr lee for his past promiscuity even since being in a relationship. that’s shitty behaviour from anyone and the whole sincere apologies don’t do shit when he keeps doing it. actual toxic behaviour man. a kind the middle of the story i started hoping they wouldn’t end up together and now i’ve ended with the same sentiment :/

i get the same feeling as when i finished magi of how i saw things get to where they are now but still can’t believe that’s the truth behind everything a bunch of what are essentially parasitic aliens that are sentient yet dumb who would’ve ever guessed still great writing where the science was feasible enough to impress and the characters so lovable and the art is impeccable i will think about this series for the rest of my life and tune in for the rest of the anime for sure :’)
with those grippers i don’t think jaewoo has to worry about getting hyeonjin back in his hands if anything hyeonjin should be worried…