idk why rohan mentioning hansel's crush is something uncomfortable? its not like he thought of it as something sexual? he only mentioned how he was sorry for hansel at how clueless yielle is but that doesnt mean he wants hansel to date yielle when he's a freaking child. both of them arent in a romantic relationship and yielle only sees hansel as a cute kid and will be probably even be hesitent to love hansel even though he's all grown up (chap 1) and please dont use the word pedo and groomer so easily! please research about those two words before throwing it around! yielle, like i said, doesnt have romantic feelings for hansel and its completely one sided. i know most stories focus on the female lead (whos somehow always in their 20s and 30s in their past life) having a crush on the male lead of the story even though the ml is still a child but this is diff! yielle never thought of hansel like that until he became older. i can tell this is a story where the fl actually have sense and wouldnt immediately fall in love with the person she took care off when he was still a child.
i hate seeing such negative responses to such a cute story. also remember everyone can have opinions but using very top sensitive terms in opinions is not a gkld thing to do.
honestly i feel like everyone who says dan i is weak or stupid cant differentiate reality with fantasies. dan i kept quiet and didnt want to be burden to her other friends, shes so damn strong for enduring all this and she cried only once! if she were to slap the person hitting her, she would be in the wrong since people will see this as her hitting an innocent person. she didnt want to be immature like choi yuri's friends. not everyone can defend themselves with bullying, not everyone can throw a punch at someone (even though theyre the victim) without severe consequences.