So much is happening! I sobbed like a baby when Freddie died. I was sniffling and wiping my eyes. He didn’t deserve to go so young . He is now my favorite character and I miss him so much even though he barely showed up. Luca is my second favorite! We need more Luca rep! And did anyone else notice how Lili’s situation is overlapping with her sister’s? Both had something going on with Michael/Aiden(Eiden??) but something happened and those feelings were smooshed. Now they both go for the one you think wouldn’t have a chance of being the ML. Anyways, ngl I miss Michael as well. He overall was tryna use Lili to get closer to Lia but I’d like to think he genuinely cared for Lili at some points. I hope he and Allen pop up again. And I wonder how Carlisle has changed ( ̄∇ ̄")