Tablesalt August 15, 2024 5:24 pm

I love how the comments are all united by one passion of seeing our sweet little tree (Namu) be happy. We all agree to the fact that he is, and will always be best boy, and thus he deserves a story of his own.

Funny how he only appeared about half of the entire story and yet captured every single reader's hearts, I'd even dare say he's the most interesting thing that ever happened to this story. My guy singlehandedly took spotlight from both the main characters in a span of about 10 chapters, what a champ

Tablesalt July 29, 2024 4:58 pm

Ngl this shih so based it actually worked.
Literally a bl hodge-podge mix-n-match buy-one-get-one 70% discount clearance sale of a kinkfest and I'm all for it.

If skibidi toilet was a manhwa, this might just be it. Pointless, absolutely stupid, and people will look at you with concern if you try to tell them you read this kinda shih, but having said all that, you enjoy it nonetheless, even if only you get it.

I'd give this dumb shih a 10/10 bc this fxcking get my unhinged and autistic humor. Yes, I'm clinically diagnosed with autism.

Tablesalt July 28, 2024 4:56 pm


Tablesalt July 18, 2024 5:25 pm

Been so damn thirsty for the next season then we get teased with a surprise update like this? Why not just tell us straight to re-read the whole damn thing for the nth time? We would've gladly abide without a fight
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Tablesalt June 26, 2024 5:50 pm

Still gonna say my two cents nonetheless.

The MC is insufferable. A fully grown adult with an (irrational) ideal romance of a homeschooled 12-year-old. Yeah sure different perspective yapyapyap, but you gotta be so far out in space to be THAT romantically delusional #-.-) not to mention his prejudice over the hookup culture, bestie pick a struggle (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

ML is likeable, to the point of sus. Yeah I loved him to the core and still feel like he deserves more than MC, but he's got some secrets he haven't revealed himself yet. MC's got so many unanswered valid questions (WHICH HALF WEREN'T EVEN VERBALIZED, LIKE? HELLO? BITCH JUST TALK?)

Anyway, despite all that's said, it was still enjoyable and worth the read, plus the art style??? Gurrrlllll shxt is just so fxcking crispy mmhhh mm *chef's kiss*

Loved it as much as I hated it, so I'll patiently wait for S2 and see how things unfold.

    Velma July 9, 2024 9:31 pm

    People have different views on what they believe is the right way to have a relationship. You can’t blame someone for wanting to wait 100 days before having sex with someone ╥﹏╥

    Tablesalt July 12, 2024 4:03 pm
    People have different views on what they believe is the right way to have a relationship. You can’t blame someone for wanting to wait 100 days before having sex with someone ╥﹏╥ Velma

    Yep I know people have different perspectives (I mentioned it in my comment too) but I'd also beg to differ, it's actually for that reason why the blame falls to them.

    People build their own belief system, whether or not it's influenced by their environment, it would still be their own volition what they build.

    To have such an outdated (if not delusional) romantic perspective, MC must have been living in a basement binge-watching disney and avoiding social events for an entire decade, bc his circle of friends have modern and even realistic idea of common dating but MC's rose-colored glasses must've been glued too hard, and he might even glued it himself I fear.

    So yes, I believe his delusion are self-mitigated and I'll stand on this pedestal even if that means alone. Thanks for attending my TED talk.

    Loveurlife24 July 20, 2024 2:41 am

    If you like hookup culture something is wrong with you. like actually. So many bad things happen as a result of hook up culture…ie diseases, unreturned feelings, in the case of heterosexual relationships pregnancy, abandonment, commitment issues, and even more. The MC is valid for wanting to at least date and be with a person before having sex immediately. Protect your goods and cherish them . lmao I never thought I’d be writing a comment like this, but this was actually mind boggling for you to say fr . We need more ppl like the MC in the real world if people like you exist lmao.

    Tablesalt July 21, 2024 3:55 pm
    If you like hookup culture something is wrong with you. like actually. So many bad things happen as a result of hook up culture…ie diseases, unreturned feelings, in the case of heterosexual relationships pre... Loveurlife24

    Bold of you to assume that I like hookup culture, not once did I mention I like hookup culture, but neither do I hate it. I stand in neutral grounds as far hooking up is concerned.

    Firstly, the way you're this pointed with your opinion means you're also part of the problem when I said "prejudiced" perspective in the hookup culture. While I agree that most of what you said are true, they're not entirely the only definite truth. Yes, sex isn't to be taken lightly, but neither is it exclusively sacramental nowadays.

    The human body isn't as strong as one might think it is, we are all ironically susceptible to quite a lot of bodily needs, and to some, sex just happens to be one of those, and just because one dabble in the practice of platonic sex, doesn't mean they deserve to be viewed as if theirs menaces to society.

    But I digress, let me go back to the actual point. If you re-read my last comment, you'll understand my point was ROMANTIC PERSPECTIVE, and not sex nor hookup culture. Remember, MC's romantic perspective follows an irrationally strict rule with timed plans that MUST be followed, otherwise, he's THAT QUICK to ghost his romantic interests. To the point it's no longer falling under the gists of "preference" but rather a principial law, a personal one to boot, by that I mean he never FULLY disclose that he has this rule to his partners.

    It's irrational because:
    1. Mutual parties will need to invest time and mental availabilities only for the relationship to ultimately fail just because ONE of his personal requirements wasn't met.
    2. The way MC's quick to ghost/dump his partners in the process leaves a jarring amount of emotional damage to the victim, not to mention the damage to their self-esteems as well.
    3. He's unbendingly selfish, he thinks the world should compromise to follow his strict rules which is, on its own, is absurd.

    Also don't get me started with talks about STDs, I'm literally a volunteer in a charity for HIV/STD testings and quite literally educate people with its history, virility, prevention, and medical necessities (small ad, if you're from the Philippines, pls do consider donating to Love Yourself <3)

    Loveurlife24 July 21, 2024 4:27 pm
    Bold of you to assume that I like hookup culture, not once did I mention I like hookup culture, but neither do I hate it. I stand in neutral grounds as far hooking up is concerned. Firstly, the way you're this ... Tablesalt

    My arguments not about it being exclusively sacramental. My whole issue with how you talk about hookup culture is morally grey. You issue with the mc ‘s ideology about love and you saying is delusional is obviously also flawed in itself and something you projected your own perspective on to. Because I see his wants and ideology on love is like the bare minimum….he dates guys and then finds out their sexually compatibility. Which is something a lot more people should do because sex makes or breaks it for most people. Bc another reason people end up cheating is because of being incompatible or unsatisfied with sex. Which is why I don’t think it’s an issue for mc to dump the guys he’s been with after finding out they aren’t especially compatible, especially with him essentially being a pillow princess lmao. Getting back to the hookup culture thing cuz that ties into this, idk what goes in your mind when we talk about hookup culture fr bc hookup culture is not platonic sex, I think that’s not the right wording that you wanna use. Because that alludes to the fact that feelings are involved. A lot of people where I’m personally at participate in human culture for bodily purposes as you said, but also like I said that’s not sustainable for either party involved. I’m not judging hookup culture in the sense of people being sexually liberated….yay for them. I’m talking about it in the sense that there are way more cons than benefits both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Things like sex shouldn’t be taken lightly cuz they’re series but hookup culture and sex currently have been decensiticzed and not gassed up to how big of a deal it actually is.

    Loveurlife24 July 21, 2024 4:39 pm
    Bold of you to assume that I like hookup culture, not once did I mention I like hookup culture, but neither do I hate it. I stand in neutral grounds as far hooking up is concerned. Firstly, the way you're this ... Tablesalt

    I also don’t think the Mcs rule and time frame thing is irrational lmao. He’s getting to business and doing it in a scheduled/timely matter, because relationships take A LOT. So why would he stay with a guy forrever/ long to find out the dick weak….then he just waisted for fucking ever….instead of what the month or so he takes. It’s not like it’s a long time or anything….which is another thing that can be argued bc personality and mental connection clearly come in to play when you know your lover, not just things like sexual compatibility. But it’s obvious for HIM sexually compatibility outranks other stuff…as you’re seeing with him talking to his current bf and not being aware of how to navigate their bond outside of like sex. He’s not familiar with how to act or question or set boundaries with his boyfriend yet since they’re also a new relationship (does that make sense?)

    Also who the heck cares about his ex boyfriends? From what we’ve seen they’re all the stereotypical men who get themselves off using their tiny penises and don’t cater to him in return?! They ain’t shit!! Frankly I feel like men should be berated more when they have poor sex skills. They don’t satisfy their partners the way they should. None of his boyfriends should be portrayed as victims, that not the right terminology or word . Cuz also imagine how the MC feels and how the sex affects his self esteem because he’s essentially just being used for an orgasm without even getting his own lmao. That’s so crappy.

    Yea obvi he’s gonna want the world to go along with his rules. Everyone has rules for their selves and it differs from person to person. Him wanting to live or go about life a certain way is not selfish. His rules aren’t even strict fr, he’s literally just asking for a guy with a big dick, bc he has been with so many ex boyfriend who had small dicks (which mind you can still be used to have good sex. Unfortunately his boyfriends just suck ass at sex). And he also wants to actually have something with his boyfriend, he don’t just want a guy w a big d, he wants the relationship. Which is usually what every girl/guy/them would want. Sorry it’s seems far fetched to you? When it’s actually like the most basic wants for a relationship

    Tablesalt July 21, 2024 7:04 pm
    I also don’t think the Mcs rule and time frame thing is irrational lmao. He’s getting to business and doing it in a scheduled/timely matter, because relationships take A LOT. So why would he stay with a guy... Loveurlife24

    Sigh. Y'know, I'll sit this one down. I'm too old and too busy to be keeping tabs of replies. We clearly have clashing moral compasses and I honestly respect that.

    I can already feel you have the tendency to really get immersed into an argument, and love that for you.

    But I don't like how this entire banter is leaning towards getting heated and I hate being confrontational, as an ISFJ, I'll cut this entire script short. I'm standing down ^-^

    Loveurlife24 July 23, 2024 9:24 pm
    Sigh. Y'know, I'll sit this one down. I'm too old and too busy to be keeping tabs of replies. We clearly have clashing moral compasses and I honestly respect that.I can already feel you have the tendency to rea... Tablesalt

    Lmao I actually don’t have a tendency to argue but I do have one to talk. I like talking. If you don’t that’s completely fine I can’t do anything about that. Xoxo

Tablesalt June 11, 2024 4:40 pm

Did Bingsoo Cat Cafe accidentally created a new cult? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Tablesalt June 9, 2024 4:41 pm

I'm gonna wait for Bingsoo CC's update bc I just wanna enjoy the unhinged English translations after enjoying the Korean.

Just to set everyone's expectectations, first season is already finished around half of May with exactly 50 chapters with a slow-cook typa pace.

Season 1 focused more on the buildup of their chemistry. The season cliffhanger didn't come as a surprise tbph. However, it was more than enough to peek at the plot of season 2 as being romance-focused and I'm sold at waiting for the next season myself ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I'm unsure when will the next season be but if we follow the typical pattern of hiatus between seasons, we might get it between 3-6mos earliest. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Tablesalt May 24, 2024 3:16 pm

I feel like this manhwa's only saving grace is the art style but yet again that same godly art style got me raising questions with anatomy (i.e: ungodly large body parts, and some awkward jojo poses)

Story-wise, there ain't much, it's extremely predictable, and it's got the most cliché plot of misunderstanding-caused-by-not-communicating-due-to-a-certain-traumatic-incident. It's highkey a culmination of clichés among clichés.

Despite all that I can still see myself finishing this at least.

Is it worth reading? Not really but for the art I guess soft yes.
Would I recommend it? Probably only to someone who's a sucker for art-heavy manhwa, otherwise no.
Would I re-read it? Yeah no.

If there's any similar manhwa I could recommend with both good story and art, methinks "The New Employee" is the closest for the story, and "Guildmate Next Door" for the art.

PS: Reiterating that this is merely a constructive opinion, nothing mentioned should be taken to heart, if you take my words personally, I'm afraid that's not my problem. We can all agree to disagree.

Tablesalt May 12, 2024 3:52 pm

Aight imma get cancelled for this but imma still say it. The characters all look the same. Other than their hairstyles and eyes, everything else is like based off the same face template...

Yeah sure you'll eventually get used to it as you go along the chapters but even after finishing (and now able to distinguish them) I could still see myself comparing their faces and still saying "yeah they really still look the same"

Loved the story to the core, at the very least it's got substance, art is well... decent at best.

Would I recommend it? Sure.
Will I re-read it? Probably not.
Was it worth the read? Soft yes.

    gukkiecrumbs May 15, 2024 4:33 am

    most accurate review ive ever seen. especially the soft yes

    Lukethelucas May 15, 2024 6:15 am

    It took me so long to realize who is who (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
    I enjoyed reading it but it is not one of my favorites

Tablesalt May 10, 2024 4:41 pm

As much as y'all think the story is nonsense, just let it cook, you'll see eventually it'll go nowhere but the art and comedy is absolutely golden and the thing about the characters are they are all equally red flags so y'all don't have to fight about who's better, you just gotta pick which shade of red you like better ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Beau May 10, 2024 7:29 pm

    yeah, some ppl here are starting to take this story way too seriously with this 'team daddy' 'team son' thing

    Tablesalt May 12, 2024 2:18 am
    yeah, some ppl here are starting to take this story way too seriously with this 'team daddy' 'team son' thing Beau

    I'm team therapy

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