jooin, cain, shove a big fat rocket ship up yahwi’s pEn!s holes, please and thank you.
Yass thank u i ahte yahwi soo fuckibg much ughh can he die..hes a liece of fucking diarrea besr shit...if uve never seen it u should be halpy and dont look it up cause its disgusting snd i ended up seeing a vid of a guy recording the diarrea bear shit coming out of the bears behind so im doubly grossed out...damn youtube reccomendations
ummm so like the endings where it says to the support the author i’ll bang you lmao, what manwha is that, i saw it on chapter 32
from this manhua (the ending pic you saw is specifically in chap 77)
if you want to read you should. this is a fantastic story with only 3 chapters. this story is a piece of yummy delicious scrumbtious cake with a cherry on top, with delicious sprinkles. the drama, the art, the everything is so good. i love all the characters, except some of them because they are like garlic put on top of the cake. some people may dislike the sister, but i personally don’t really care, i think her personality is an interesting twist, and makes the competition splendid. this story so far is good. like a nice meal, on a sunday with monday coming up except you have monday off, so you’re happy to see whats coming the next day, this is the same with this story. absolutely beautiful.