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[email protected]'s message board ( All 4 )

Lynn July 8, 2021 12:06 am

Hey!! Can I please ask you to unplubish the two chapters you uploaded (ch 30 and 31) I've translated them properly again!!

teruki July 8, 2021 1:48 am

hi, you didn’t translate those chapters, and instead you deleted the credits of the group that did them. please remove your uploads.

Lynn July 8, 2021 3:37 am
hi, you didn’t translate those chapters, and instead you deleted the credits of the group that did them. please remove your uploads. teruki

Excuse me!! I translated them before and just took them down to post the group translation because some people preferred the original group translation, I just forgot to add the credits and I did it now!!

spacecowgrl July 8, 2021 10:43 am

Just deleted them, thanks for update!

Lynn July 8, 2021 2:27 pm
Just deleted them, thanks for update! spacecowgrl

No problem!! Sorry for the trouble and thank you!!

Yanli May 6, 2021 1:10 pm

If you don't mind can I translate the next chapter and upload it, it's fine if you want to do it too ^^

spacecowgrl May 6, 2021 1:36 pm

I just uploaded ch 31, but you can do ch32 if you want :) lmk if you decide to do it, if not I’ll begin working on it

Yanli May 6, 2021 2:53 pm
I just uploaded ch 31, but you can do ch32 if you want :) lmk if you decide to do it, if not I’ll begin working on it spacecowgrl

Thank you very much!! I'll start working on ch 32, I was just waiting for your response cuz it's really rude to upload over someone when they've already picked it haha

Yanli May 5, 2021 10:41 am

Hey!! Thank you for uploading the newest chapter of "All of you". Can you please tell me where you found the raws of the Manga? Can you also tell me how you did the translation?

spacecowgrl May 5, 2021 12:23 pm


Hope that link works, and for translations, I use the app papago for most things but when it doesn’t make sense I just use google translate and try to mix the two

Yanli May 5, 2021 3:10 pm
https://m.kuaikanmanhua.com/mobile/7937/list/ Hope that link works, and for translations, I use the app papago for most things but when it doesn’t make sense I just use google translate and try to mix the two spacecowgrl

Oh thank you very much!! By the way do you know chinese? Cuz the kuaikan website is in chinese haha

spacecowgrl May 6, 2021 1:38 pm
Oh thank you very much!! By the way do you know chinese? Cuz the kuaikan website is in chinese haha Yanli

No I don’t know Chinese ( ̄∇ ̄")
Honestly the website is easier to navigate on a computer than a phone, I just had to play around and figure how to access the chapters. Most chapters are free until you get the the latest 3 I think

Yanli May 6, 2021 2:51 pm
No I don’t know Chinese ( ̄∇ ̄") Honestly the website is easier to navigate on a computer than a phone, I just had to play around and figure how to access the chapters. Most chapters are free until you ge... spacecowgrl

Yea, I figured it out too after asking you that lol. And actually there are so many manhuas on it too. Oh and do you do anything else like cleaning the part and typing the text over in the place or do you just use the screenshots from papago and upload?
I'm really sorry for asking so many questions (٥↼_↼)

spacecowgrl May 6, 2021 3:05 pm
Yea, I figured it out too after asking you that lol. And actually there are so many manhuas on it too. Oh and do you do anything else like cleaning the part and typing the text over in the place or do you just ... Yanli

For the cleaning, I had to get photoshop, and basically followed YouTube tutorials (just search “cleaning manhua”). I ended up paying for photoshop on my computer, but I’m sure there is a free version out there somewhere. And in photoshop I just inserted the screenshots from the website, cleaned it up, and then inserted text boxes after translating on papago app/ google translate. The cleaning takes a while I’m not gonna lie lol. And I can answer any questions :D

Yanli May 6, 2021 3:58 pm
For the cleaning, I had to get photoshop, and basically followed YouTube tutorials (just search “cleaning manhua”). I ended up paying for photoshop on my computer, but I’m sure there is a free version out... spacecowgrl

Thank you!! I'll look up some videos on youtube now, I absolutely have no idea what to do since it's the first time but I quite like it and am interested haha. And the time spared to do the cleaning is kinda worth it I guess, since it's a really good manhua. Thank you for your reply ( ╹▽╹ )

Yanli May 5, 2021 10:40 am

Hey!! Thank you for uploading the newest chapter of "All of you". Can you please tell me where you found the raws of the Manga?