and how can you tell the difference between admiration/aesthetic attraction and actual attraction?
i’ve always believed i was straight but lately i’ve been questioning myself... i’ve had like 3 sex dreams about the same sex and i’ve experienced a bit of sexual attraction to girls too. i’ve actually entertained the idea of dating/kissing my ex friend before (though i’m not sure if that was caused by actual attraction or jealousy) and i’ve always thought my friend was really pretty.
buuut i’ve never had a big crush on a girl, only guys and it’s hard for me to imagine dating someone of the same sex. sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between a squish (a platonic crush) and an actual crush. i’ve had sex fantasies of the same sex before and i probably wouldn’t mind getting it on with them irl. for the most part though i simp for guys but there are rare occasions where i’ll simp for a girl
my growing self awareness of all this has made me notice girls even MORE and now i cannot go out without seeing a girl and thinking about how pretty they look...
i keep doubting myself though. what if i’m actually straight and this was just so i could fit in with my other lgbt friends? what if i’m just trying to trick myself into thinking i’m bi and i just like girls aesthetically?
TLDR; i’ve experienced attraction to the same sex before but i’m not 100% sure if it means i am bi
Online school makes it really difficult for me to concentrate in class :( The fact that my class is also kinda boring to listen to doesn’t help either. I usually end up not paying attention and just doing anything not related to listening to the class. Please help ;; I really do want to learn this year