So maybe, only a little bit, I still want yujun and nameun to be together oop. I see development on yujun’s side sooo don’t get mad at me hah! Sorry for being that friend who goes back to her ex saying they’ve changed for the better :D but ya knowww I still like the ml tho,,

lmaoooo your tOxiC tO hEaLthY- but ya it would be cool for the author to do something like that. I guess their relationship wasn’t toxic it was just that the fl loves him too much and doesn’t ask for anything in return, she kinda lost herself and was constantly trying to cheer him up. And he well, he’s just mean and not communicating with her enough #-.-)

Isn’t that toxic tho? Still, I don’t get why yujun gets all the backlash when his only problem is communication. if yujun did tell nameun that they needed money do you think she would just let it go? Being the love sick that she is, he knows she’ll do everything just to help him. So I think he made the right choice. But look at the bright side, at least he’s not a manipulative sad boi(⌒▽⌒)
END UP WITH SHIROTAKI PLEASE!!! Fujiwara’s name on the title ain’t sht. And shirotaki don’t give me that “you love him so i’ll let you go” line. If she still chooses fujiwara in the end, She doesn’t dserve you hmph! (Can someone give me a rec where she ends up with the second lead?)