Does anyone have any idea how many more volumes do we have until the end??

Well volume 45 is available for pre order on Amazon and the scans are only up to 43 and vol 46 is available in Japan so I’m guessing we are looking at a fair few more so I wouldn’t be thinking anytime soon, look at hajime no ippo has over 100 volumes with next to no romance development T.T so I’m not holding my breath, I only check in once every few years

I usually don't talk shit about character or manga, but this is next level shit, the story is actually interesting but she is just way to stupid I know that if this starts serializing she will probably end up with Haruka( I think that the chance for her to be with manager are lower than Haruka because he is much older and I think that he will not let his emotion overtake him - even tho I think I like him the best and I think that he is be the best for her, and than I'm not fully shure because he is connected to her mom and dad, and maybe he will somehow betray her) and yes Haruka will end up with her because that boy started liking her for who she is from the start so yeah, but till that happens out hair will be gray and if someone is interested in reading I do not recommend and I give it a 2/5 starts and if you want my recommendation Skip Beat has a similar vibe to this one and that manga is easy 5/5 the only thing that you may not like is that it's really long but believe me it's worth the time you spend reading it
Was she in love with his father??