so a dude who wants to preserve his friendship with his best friend, and keep away from him because he's afraid of potentially assaulting him, and wants to keep him safe, is tricked into using a fleshlight that unknowingly makes him rape the very guy he wants to protect.
and the guy in question just has to deal with being raped every night.
and they both get traumatized for all time. This story is actually shit.

Im pretttyyyy sure they were upset, not because the dude was going to rape him, but because he was going to touch what's "theirs". Like another commenter said, I don't think they really even get the concept.
ALSO ALSO, I don't know that this dude came here to take his anger out on ewan, that may be part of it, but like the above statement, i think the idea was to make him "his", he wants to belong to ewan, and for ewan to belong to him. In a WAY, he's kind of right, he was supposed to be partnered with ewan.
Something people i think are overlooking, is that these aren't typical manga beastmen, they really are beasts here. They're fighting with the laws of the animal kingdom, not ours.
OBVIOUSLY that doesn't make it right or okay, but I don't think the manga is trying to convince you that it is.

I agree with you. Some people/readers tend to not understand the plot very well and just went on with the concept they think is fitted to interpret the situation from a certain scene. It's like you said, he did that not to rVpe Ewan, but with the intention to belong to him and Ewan to make his.
Also, the author is very smart for creating it like this... because this isn't those typical beastmen Mangas, and clearly the author portrayed the beastmen here differently from how other authors would see and write beastmen character as.

i personally think its pretty interesting here too. The way they portrayed the initial rape of ewan, when he gave up and let them do it, was verryyy interesting. It wasn't glorified, or romanticized. It was bad for him and and they didn't pretend that somehow he was asking for it. but when faced with the question "Are you satisfied" is the first time in the story that the beast man characters are forced to face their conscience. that's SO INTERESTING
also, ewan was obviously hurt by this, but at the same time, didn't take it as anything but the whims of a beast, rather than the actions of a person or individual, he doesn't view them as "people" exactly. at least not at first.
I knew from the cover, raj was far too zesty to be the top.