I am looking for this Shounen ai manga about 2 friends who used to play baseball one day the friend save the other from a car crash n after it the other felt guilty cause his friend couldn’t play again so he quits and start getting into fight n avoiding his friend. I think they r yankess if that how u write it, the languague it kind of street so if anyone knows I would really appreciated it

Does anybody know if this yaoi manga

I don’t know if anybody feel like I do but when I read doujinshi I have couple that I die for but sometime seeing them in reverse role or with other partners just feels so weird n even if the story n sex scene r good I for some reason don’t like it. Like did my brain got a switch where if I don’t like a combination, then no matter how good, I don’t enjoy it like I like sasunaru but not narusasu or Griffithxguts but not gutsxgriffith. But then I like either as long as I like the couple like levixeren, I also like erenxlevi like why. It is just my preference to dislike or like certain manga

The problem is that Japanese readers like it and it spread around the world .

i love narusasu but i do tolerate sasunaru. (same for my other anime ships) the argument will go on forever but at the end of the day, it's preference so i understand those who like sasuke as top. neither one is canon anyway so why should i get bothered by it. i''m too old and tired to join in arguments.

I am lukin 4 this shonen ai manga is about 2 high skool students guy A was save by guyB ending him in hospital n never be able to play baseball again now guyA feel responsible n stop talking to him or playing baseball something like that and the launguage is kind of lik a sland they talk like the street

I think this is it: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/bokurani_matsuwaru_etc/

Does anybody if this character a actual manga or just an illustration http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/everyday_everynight/an/everyday-everynight-chapter-3.html/47/

I am looking 4 this kind of Shonen ai manga, out of nowhere it got to my head, I read it a long time ago n felt the manga was unfinished but I still wanna reread it it goes something lik this the uke want to be a private detective so he goes n apply for where the seme is at first they can't hired him cause with the seme n 2 other guys they don't have much money but then the seme see the pic of the uke n his father, whom die trying to save the seme when he was litle n he ask him if he hate the kid which cause his father death n he respond by saying no as long as he live a happy n healthy life, next ch was about the father of the seme trying to get him marry without his mother no wing n the 3rd about a baby if any know please tell me

Is it this one

I am looking for a manga but man so hard to find, I just came across a Japanese drama about vampire called RN plus, and I wanted to read the manga but I can't find it, does anybody know where I can read it or is it in this website with a different name...... If you know it I would thank so much 4 telling me

I am luking 4 a 1shot yaoi manga, it goes something lik this is a family of a mother, son (seme), n daughter. The daughter marries the uke but she has an accident n dies, the now has to move out after the required time pass but the mother in law doesn't want him 2 go so she ask her son who she knew lik him 2 sleep with him, cause the uke is kind of weak 2 stuff, so she lock the door n put tape on it n after it she says we r a family, if any know please tell me, thnx....

I am lukin 4 a yaoi manga, well is a multiple 1shot manga but I can't seem 2 get out of my head the last story if my memory serve me right, it goes something lik this, the seme is a high ranking officer, he meet the uke in skool n the seme fell 4 him wen he started talking about cherry blossom tree after it he drug the uke n wen the uke came 2 his senses a cherry tree was tattoo on his back as to represent he belong 2 the seme, after time pass the seme has 2 leave cause of his work n the uke waits 4 him at the end the seme comes back n the uke hugs him. I hope u can some know it... thnx

??? the last story sounds similar but it wasn't a cherry blossom it was a camellia
I love yaoi so it is common that I like watching BL drama too. I am recently into Thai BL Drama, love them but I notice that some BL Drama turned bromance in China because is illegal but isn’t Thai part of China too or they aren’t and I am just confusing them for some reason.
Not at all they are different countries and far away from each other they aren't even neighbors
Ahh okey, thnx
haha no, they are actually quite a distance away from each other. I'm from philippines and thailand is a few island below us and we are in the south east (of asia) while china is way up above.