Not only the flouting of fact wit the closed doors of high society and the creation of a fictional character named Agathe who pushed Napoleon through media. But also Agathe's name itself, Agethe was a lost ancient greek poet and also a historian at the time of the french revolution/napoleonic rule. (I was an anth major in school and was obsessed with french history, i use neither now in life but ya know I can make comments on manga that no one with read XD)

I started reading this while I was still in high school. Now I'm 24, getting my second college degree and running as fast as i can toward my dreams, I'm just casually crying as I watch the struggles and victories of these fictional characters doing the same. Thank you to the team who worked on giving this to us and the author for creating it!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
If you leave the order before you take your vows you aren't necessarily banned from seeing your family or going back. It's if you leave afterwards that you cannot. But each order's laws are different. I'm from PA so it was interesting to read this.