Stupidest ever I swear
Must be hard to not only be pathetic, but also pitiful and stupid asf
While I love the main characters, the uncle seems more my age than them LMAOOO give me the uncle pls
Which chapter of the novel is it plss
Wow the emperor disgusts the hell out of me, I give up I can't read this any more
Shit is powerful
So true king
Hits very close to home ahah, in two weeks it'll be one year since she passed away from Alzheimer, could not remember any of us the last year
I lost my grandmother to Alzheimers, it’s so devastating, I’m very sorry for your loss
Same in the end, I believe that Alzheimer is one of the sweetest way to part with life, and mostly hurts the persons left behind, it brings me confort
Is there a novel plsss ?
Yes there is!
The one time someone is genuine, you decide you were hurt enough ? Damnnnn
Wow this sucks, kinda rapey/victim blamingy, and the "requirements" augmenting in an irrealistic and sudden way yh nah
Stupidest ever I swear