Although I can tell this idea isn’t it because of the cover art, but it would’ve been a cool plot if she got a gift from the evil orb to literally be the guide to multiple forgotten and abused children.
There could’ve been one child from each generation of the faulty hero’s families who’s been mistreated, and somehow found out the truth behind the mcs death. She’d lead them to stand up for themselves as their ghostly/possessed mentor, get them to be heads of their families, while getting revenge on her betrayers.
Would’ve been a more unique plot than just the usual, “in the body of a child to do some revenge” story.

Every time this pops up I re-read from the beginning! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
And every time I read it again, magically my cat is always sleeping next to me ╥﹏╥
He’s a rescue, they found him and his litter along with his mother in a bin bag on a balcony. He was the last of his litter, even he runt got chosen before him because he had gunky eyes that needed medicine. We chose him anyway and it was the best decision of our lives!
Honestly this little sister could have a whole spin off story of her own and I would eat it up!
Its such a good plot, that could hold up well on its own, and I would love more details of her getting revenge for her sister, fixing a corrupt country, all while trying to save its people during a monster crisis.
I think that's exactly what's going down now, it's both of their stories.