Rereading this for like thousand times! One of my fav gl I've read so far! Ahhhhh! It's good ending cute and happy but i want moreee huhuhu. I want the family probs closure like thatttt .
Mannn i hope jiwoo can have there force control bruhhh. He is going to be an op character in another yearsssss! Imagine, he has kayden, kartein, pluton and lastly hopefully gastella or getstella
He actually has the old man’s too - so that makes it 4 already. Remember when they went to the first sparring camp or whatever it was called - the academy. The old man there gave Jiwoo his force control. I believe that was his 2nd one, even before Kartein’s.
Lol this overthinker of mineeeee... It suddenly came out on my mind... The grandpa and 003 has same eye and hair color... What if they are related? Hahhahahahahhaha dont mind me.
Rereading this for like thousand times! One of my fav gl I've read so far! Ahhhhh! It's good ending cute and happy but i want moreee huhuhu. I want the family probs closure like thatttt .