Somehow this completely unhinged, drawn in the same comedic style as all of this dudes other works manga always makes me bawl my eyes out every reread
everything changed so much in s2 I had to do a double take if I'm even reading the right manhwa
s1 was pretty good, interesting and not AS typical as other manhwas this genre but s2 just throws everything out
If you liked s1, don't bother with s2, and if you didn't start yet just pass on this one
Taking into account that both of them are the only ones on the cover and the fact that Yachiyo isn't wearing his wedding ring in ch3(divorced alr maybe?) they'll probably end up together
Kinda sad abt Kiyoto cuz i like him alr
this really is just the authors fetishes in comic form huh
I hate that I alr love Heonjae sm, ill have to continue reading for him
I love how moku goes beyond the manga conventions and plays with the medium like that. Those creative panels that bleed into others, the sudden changes in style ahhh I feel like theres so much emotion behind them, it really elevates the ambiance of light dread that acompanies the chapters I really love it
I hope the scanlators are able to find a good translator I always double check with their tl just in case I missed something :(
I am once again asking yall to understand that unofficial site tags =/= official tags. This series never had a BL tag on any official sites and Young Ace Up(magazine this is serialised in) always had only seinen in it. The only reason the official translation doesn't have a BL tag is because this was never a BL, it's a horror story with lgbt+ characters, that's it. The lack of a BL tag doesn't magically delete any gay romance or lgbt+ identities in the manga, all it means is the gay romance is not the crucial part of the plot because mangas rarely get the BL tag unless the romance is the focus(ex. "Kinou Nani Tabeta?" doesn't have a BL tag anywhere even though gayness and the gay relationship between the leads is a huge part of the manga). I haven't seen the author deny the queerness of the story on their twitter, just them saying they dont want this manga to be seen as a typical BL manga, so I'm confused af about peoples reactions and I think they're just too fujoshi brained to appreciate an actual queer story.
why would he need to cum with his ass to have sex?? Majority of ppl cant cum with just prostate stimulation alone so were they planning to never have sex if he couldnt cum with his ass??? where did this idea even come from lmao
I feel like most of the things she brings into the other world as innovations are just things that were definitely discovered by the time she brings them. Like a crossbow?? girl rly? shit was invented in 1BC and you, and everyone around you acts like its new? It seems like there wasn't much thought put into the store part, there's so many very obvious issues that get completely glanced over. I feel like other store themed isekais do it much better by changing the containers, or making the goods more time appropriate. If you want to read it for the "store in another world" theme, don't bother since that part is done in a very halfassed way.