created a topic of Kegare no nai Hito

Oh so his dad is the pedo
If he was one of his fathers victims the strange behaviour makes so much more sense

created a topic of Form of Sympathy

I was worried Yuri would be toxic but I honestly didn't expect him to be so bad he’d become abusive.
Gaslighting, manipulating, controlling where and with who Lee goes, requiring constant contact, love bombing right after his outbursts, thinking he can do no wrong, slut shaming him at any given moment and deciding that because Lee fucked around when he was horribly depressed(would be okay even if he wasn't btw), that means he has no right to create boundaries for their sex life.
Honestly I'm glad that at least Yohan and Mukyung could see how bad it is and tried calling it out, because Seonwoo still seems to be in the denial phase. However, acting like they're similar is insane in my opinion, Lee obviously isn't perfect, but he's nowhere near Yuri's level and him manipulating Yuri to calm him down is clearly self-defence, and happens so often in abusive relationships. You learn to redirect and you use their moods against them all to not make it worse. I think the jokes about the location app and chasity belt also make it pretty clear, the fact that Lee didn't trust Yuri even after Yuri said he was joking.
My favourite part was when Lee basically said “I’m glad Yuri has such extreme anger outbursts because my students' tantrums are nothing in comparison, so I can deal with them easily uwu!” He’s so deep in denial I’m going insane ngl.
"His abuse makes me stronger" type beat

created a topic of Kegare no nai Hito

theres kindness/compassion and then theres just pure stupidity
I'm hoping fo a "sike he didnt actually do anthing to the kid but just used the circumstances of the crime to frame the blondie"(which still wouldnt warrant such quick forgiveness) but I don't see this going too well
put the man in a ward fr

created a topic of Bokura no Ai wa Mada Aoku

ngl the mtl is dogshit, at least clean the script up and maybe use a few different apps so it actually makes sense?
every time i see something like this I have more and more respect to actual scan groups

created a topic of Sensitive Boy

i was so sure this was gonna go the rapid fire love interests bs route i was so worried aaaaah
im so happy with the way they took it imma cry hng

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Shy, nerdy Komatsu Kaede has never had any friends or lovers, and on top of that is plagued by low s...

  • Author: Mochino Kome
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama
answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Unfortunately its usually only well done in mangas written by trans people themselves, otherwise they range from ok through cringe all the way to abysmal (´;︵;`)
created a topic of Sensitive Boy

Aya is so based fr
glad she called her out

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