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forgot the metal spoon while making a microwave mug cake, the inside burned to hell but somehow it survived, the cleanup was hell. The microwave is like 20+ yr old at this point and still working lmao
answered question about question
I personally hate a big chunk of BL because of how misogynistic, heteronormative, and ironically, homophobic it is. A lot of men consuming lesbian porn stem from misogyny while a lot of women consuming gay porn stem from dehumanisation, hence so much homophobia in fujo circles. Sure the issues aren't identical but they work in a very similar way so......
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Why is a threesome an unspeakable act lmao
created a topic of Nobunaga No Chef

Im shocked how fast the translator is with the releases, that schedule is wild

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- Nezha 1&2 - Parasite - I saw the TV glow - Look Back these are recent favs, realising I don't really watch a lot of movies
created a topic of High School Boy

Why are people here giving themselves brain damage by trying to take this as a serious story? I feel like I'm going insane reading some of the comments here ngl

answered question about question
There's def more guys than there were years ago. BL was always mostly girlies and queers, but over the last few years I've been seeing more and more straight dudes reading BL the same way they read other mangas. Maybe bc there's less stigma about it, or maybe it's just because it's more popular. I'm talking about manga events here mostly tho I thin......
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Can't mentally handle keeping up with the news anymore. It's pathetic that the western fascist takeover is headed by a bunch of cringe losers. At least with other fascists leaders you could say they succeeded bc they were charismatic or some shit but what's happening now just makes it clear that as long as you have enough money, it doesn't matter w......
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Every part of that trailer is just hilarious, really feels like elaborate satire lmao
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I mean the whole situation is pretty fucked up from all sides Pito, a minor at the time was being exploited and forced to draw porn, they drew an image based on an illegal hidden camera video for their serialisation, while being unaware of the concept of revenge porn(their words). When they posted the image and people pointed it out they deleted th......
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Kids flock to adult sites bc their spaces are vanishing, both irl and online. There's less and less spaces where kids can be kids and it's sad to see. Personally I hate it bc seeing their horrible takes kills me
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Chinese raws are easiest to find since they don't care that much about copyright, but japanese raws are usually the hardest to find and mentioning any sites you find usually gets them shut down bc copyright laws in jp are strict as hell
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Uncensored, but the artist needs to know at least basic dick anatomy

Looking at that art it makes sense each chapter takes a year to come out lol
It has 3ch out in japan, chapters usually drop at the beginning of the year jan/feb so we're probably getting a 4th soon. Idk when the tled chapters will drop tho

answered question about question
I like both in fiction but IRL himbos are fav, tho I might be biased bc my himbo ex was the sweetest dude i dated
created a topic of High School Boy

Kinda glad Iltak is as shitty of a person as the red head since you don't feel that bad when he's causing all these issues for himself. I still feel bad for him for being the victim, but a lot of shit he's going through wouldn't be happening if he didnt act like that, so it's easier to stomach. Hoonie was just a loser so reading suicide boy made me feel so bad for him constantly lol

created a topic of Tokyo Kaido

I guess even the ending is vague asf and left for interpretation, like the entire manga up to that point. Technically there's evidence for both Hashi surviving, while the "honest" part of him dies and Hashi dying literally, but it's very much open to interpretation. Tamaki exhausted over the railing, the flowers in an empty hospital room, sending his art to a publishing company so he gets noticed, Hanas comment, Tamaki and Hana talking about how Hashi used to be. Even Hanas comment how it's better to be unable to lie rather than disappearing completely could be taken as a comment on all of the patients rather than just Hashi himself. Though my personal interpretation is: surgery succeeds, what Hashi says is sincere, this time it isn't forced by his illness but of his own volition, a last sincere thought before he "disappears".

created a topic of High School Boy

Just a heads up to anyone reading this expecting it to be a standard BL manhwa, either change your perspective or stop reading, this author usually heavily focuses on humor and everything else to the story is largely secondary. This really is just a gag manhwa with gay undertones and authors fetishes, reading it as anything else will give you brain damage.
If you're expecting some nuance or character development, it won't happen, everything is just setups for new jokes.

created a topic of Omawari-san, mata Ashita

ngl the writing is pretty weak on this one so far, the characters actions don't make much sense and the dialogue is not believable in the slightest
I really like the art and the trope though and this seems to be this authors first manga, so I feel like it's worth giving it a chance even if only to see how much the author grows by the end

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They use the money to pay their translators and buy the raws, the people working on the manhwas aren't doing it out of love but as a job so the quality varies a lot and yes it's illegal to take someone's work and charge money to translate it, then host the translated work on your own website Normal scan teams are already doing something illegal but......