The only characters I liked were Sunny and Jin - I didn’t like the fact that Hwan didn’t even have much of a redemption arc, he just had a new start with an oblivious Chiwoo, and don’t get me started on Chiwoo’s memory loss. It was a lovely ending, yes, but it could have had another dozen chapters focusing on Hwan’s change and Chiwoo’s forgiveness. Anyway, I’m a sucker for any of Sagold’s works, so I enjoyed it =v=

He is trying to leave mc because he feels like he has completely ruined mc’s life. He’s not being selfish by blaming himself for the miscarriage, he’s afraid. Everyone needs to stop assuming things. Both of the characters need space to process everything, and to heal. This is not about him being a dickhead or selfish, this is his way of trying to protect the one he loves. God, ppl just love having someone to hate.

Eh that’s debatable. It can still be seen as selfish to decide to up and leave right after hearing this. Euihyun was just kidnapped and had a miscarriage. Not to mention that he previously suffered from thoughts of suicide. The best thing would be Taejun ensuring that all the recent events don’t push Euihyun over the edge again and the two could communicate and try to heal together. Taeju feels guilty and is running away. He’s not facing the problem head on. He just killed someone from an opposing gang/company. Who knows what repercussions that will have? It’s debatable that leaving is going to protect Euihyun. Someone could come after him again after this. Euihyun is constantly being abandoned by people in his life. I doubt this is going to help.
Overall, I don’t think Taeju is bad but he’s too wrapped up in his own guilt right now and isn’t thinking properly about what’s objectively the best route for both of them.
I hope the author will make a side story about Mikail and Suyeon. That would be adorable. And perhaps find a partner for Vladimir, he’s a good man