damn tf what that all about.... TG this was dropped or something bcs I wouldn't want to continue reading this (good for others that want to read this but nahhh not me) plot is just so-so but the art was good! but yeah why would you gave us this initial thought about Ouranos and his human (I mean that probably the point at some point) when it's going to be the other way around but then it has been clearly stated in the title so I'm just f blind and proceeded to read....
this really never gets old, all the emotions I felt the first I read this still pops up and I can't wiat for the sequel so so much that I got to re read this every once in a month
Right! Every time feel bored reading, I always going back here. Feels like my first time reading BL story!
That is so true! We really can't deny that this holds a very special place in our hearts Hope the sequel comes before the end of the year or next year!!