I really like the main two characters Yul (my babe, deserves all good things in life) I guess I'm tired of reading about asshole ukes (which is a common trend in yaoi along with asshole semes) so Yul is a refreshing read poor boy seeks comfort in Luan. Also I like Luan he has that whole mysterious vibe going on and he's so soft with Yul and an asshole to his siblings (same as me LOL he's so cute). Although, I know Luan has ulterior motives with Yul at the moment I do think he has grown to like him even if he's not being honest about it. I'm interested to know why Luan wants to know Hyung's weakness so much is there a backstory to do with this? I hope it's explored. Also, Hyung is a psychopath wow I ship him with jail or a psych ward tbh pray it comes true! I have a feeling his mom knows he's holding another guy captive/imprisoned bitch if I were here I'd call the police.

I love how the manga shows the reality of being gay you will have allies and enemies (i.e. that prick who outed him deserves the electric chair). I'm so glad Yamato has ACTUAL allies around him, not the fake ones but actual people who will break a bone for him especially Yuiji when he punched that glasses prick I felt SO SATISFIED. He's been through so much and he's learning to love himself which is the most important thing.
I love both Yuiji and Yamato as individuals, they are likeable and have a solid foundation of trust and friendship. I know Yamato is pining right now but I do believe they'll end up together (eventually lol). I think this is about their journey to acknowledging the ROMANTIC love between them sometimes you don't get to the endpoint straight away. In Yamato's case, he wants to deny he has feelings for Yuiji and will do whatever in the mean time to forget about it (going out with other people). He doesn't want to ruin what they have and drag Yuiji down this path. In Yuiji's case, I feel like he will be a VERY SLOW BLOOMER, I think he has some lingering feelings but he has not noticed it yet and it will probably take him a while to see Yamato in a romantic like. But they'll get there!

This update is sweet it really shows the depths of Zaizen’s feelings. They really are so romantic which is rare it yaoi and why they are one of my fave couples.
Also y’all will be glad (I came across some raws) they finally do the deed and it’s romantic AF especially Kiriya (I think it’s the next chapter??)

Just wanna say I love the plot it feels like a movie plot (like the departed or Se7en loved the thrill and mystery of these films!) It was pretty suspenseful and had me guessing throughout. Not many yaoi have a heavy unique plot as a focus, I enjoyed it a lot and the relationship between Kanoo and Amane (secondary focus) was nice to unfold, I loved them both as characters. Kanoo being such a smart detective (due to his unique ability) but going through that trauma meaning he's a bit of a ticking bomb. Amane, is a mystery being a double agent but being a great detective and hilarious throughout cause of the wild shit he be pulling (him also being exactly what Kanoo needs).

Omg this is one of my fave mangas cause of all the fluff, healthy relationship and how Himari and Gaku are refreshing and strong characters. When I saw the update I was pumped! I loved it! Himari has come a long way LOL from a clueless guy who knew nothing about getting off to becoming a sex maniac lol poor Gaku didn't expect this.

Just started this after finishing Love Nest and they have come so far! I love how wholesome and pure they are. This is one of the healthiest relationships I have read in yaoi, I love how Asahi doesn't pressure Masato (in coming out), just lets him be aware it's up to him and whether he's ready for it. Also, poor Asahi getting old jokes but I find him cute.
Y'all I did not expect this to be an emotional read I thought it was just gonna be about Taeyi being a prick and then undergoing character development. Taeyi is my favourite character just because I can relate to being closed off after going through so much shit. People can easily make their assumptions about him but he was only protecting himself. Poor boy lost his entire family his mom died, dad left him and hated him and his everything (his brother) committed suicide y'all I CRIED imagine the trauma he went through. When he cried when confronting Seheon's father I CRIED he's just one of those characters who does not express his emotions so when you slowly see him start to (thanks Seheon!!) you get swept along with it.
So glad he got a happy ending and don't get me started on Seheon!! I love his honesty y'all it was refreshing. He didn't take any of Taeyi's shit! Taeyi doesn't want him to play piano? Too bad! Taeyi wants him to stay away? Too bad Seheon decided he wants to be best buds with you and follow you around. Taeyi slowly wants to be more than friends but decided he'll keep you at arms length? Too bad Seheon decided he'll plant one on you and confess to you. Moral of the story I loved Seheon and his forwardness it was how shit got done lol no wonder Taeyi got whipped shortly after.
Just gonna end this review on two main points I loved how Taeyi mentioned it was selfish of him to be so angry at his brother for leaving him. How he shouldn't have expected his brother to live on just for him (or others) that is so deep for a manhwa. Suicide victims shouldn't be looked down upon or called selfish I'm glad this was mentioned. Lastly, looking at all the characters involved with Taejun it's like if anyone of them did something different he could've been alive (that's the saddest part). Glasses guy could've not taken a photo and actually talked to his friend, Taejun's lover could've been by his side or not started the relationship at all, the uncle could've actually seriously listened to Taejun's cry for help when he was drunk instead of passing it off as drunk talk. Not to say that it's their fault but what a difference it would've made by checking on him.