I hate his mom I hate his dad I hate those sharks I hate Mr yoen he's stupid does he think yoomin world revolves around him and damn he's really a piece of shit can't u see him getting a lot of part time
Lmao maybe he turned into a cat before it happen
Bro's too good to be on the bad side come to good side and be bad to me ....
Lmao Yu and robot are so funny prince charming is saving them xd
Myyy robot is fully charge again hehehehe lol da way they tie them is so hilarious. Yep I did bawl and laugh
Baby it's not ur fault u're also the victim. Her and u are da victims here
Rachel is really weird pls get away from da children hyunho and Sean pls meet
What in the a double s hell is this? Bro aryka had enough bro imagine tf being tied to past and present yoen is not it -_- I love yoen and he deserves happiness too but man let aryka have his own
Man da fan service is blehh the story is good but i don't like how they use da women for that give me an ick everytime keep happening making sa story bor8ng
I think da guy who wanted him gone is also da one who killed his sister or am i tripping