Dnghkq_ created a topic of Dead man Switch

The first bubble font looks better than option b to me. It shows more emotion imo

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Acting Genius, TOP Idol!

Though I can barely tell them apart now, Im really happy with the hair change. I kinda got sick of idol manhwa's where their hair stays basically same throughout. Most idols irl usually change their hair color like every two seconds. I just like the realism ig. But I totally understand the artistic limitations due to hair color being a very big part of a characters recognizability.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of The Moon Comes to Me

Like I totally understand duole's parents giving him away. They were poor and he was sick. They wanted him to be able to live a long fulfilling life with people who could give him that. But why the fuck would Taoxi's parents give him away??? No matter what the manhua says to explain, it makes no sense to give your child to individuals in a worse situation than you are?? They're horrible parents.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Morpheus
Dnghkq_ created a topic of My Dear Fluffy Boy

I'm in... But please don't fuck in the fur suit...

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Gentle Forest
Dnghkq_ created a topic of Shout It

Another loser seme, we love to see it.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Friends Forever After?

Omfg its going so fast, but nothing is really happening. It's like beat after beat after beat, but there is barely any progression. Which is surprising because theres a good amount of pretty average length chapters. But we got through 1 and a half days, with so much being done, but nothing happening.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Yurameku Aki no Koi Gokoro

I don't get whats so hard for manga characters to just not kiss someone in their sleep. Like, it's not that hard to just not sexually assault someone? Like Im not mad at it cause it's already an overused trope. But I'm just asking, fr.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

Time skip or not, that fucker needs to be put down. Disgusting ass bitch. after basically grooming six, he gets mad and physically abuses him cause he fell in love with him.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Saturday's Master

Its very interesting and stuff, I like it. The only thing that irks me tho is the power imbalance between the uke and seme. It just, a bdsm plot with a power imbalance between the characters doesn't sit right with me. A SAFE and healthy bdsm relationship is all about consent and communication and it's really hard to achieve that with a very big and very obvious imbalance of power. The relationship is the only reason why the uke has a job, and the seme is his boss and is the person who negotiated the relationship for the uke's job. So obviously if the uke had problems with the play, it would be harder to communicate his discomfort or not give consent because his job is literally on the line lmao. Which is REALLY dangerous depending the play. Idk if its just me but yeah.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Ordinary Person A

I kinda wouldn't blame a little ass kid who awakened for killing Howoos mom... It was kinda obvious that even he didn't know what was going on. I wouldn't even blame him for not giving shit that shes dead lmao. He don't know that woman, Howoo was his friend not her. But blaming him for imprinting is yeah. He sucked for that, little ass kid or not.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Why the fuck are you going to admit to a serious crime while you think that they're recording??? Almost selling someone's music without permission, thats fine, it didn't happen. trapping kid in what's basically a slave contract, ok. shoving a kid to the ground, not that bad. But admitting to purposefully poisoning someone to the point where they are literally dying at the hospital???? I thought he was smarter than that.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Ore no Oshi ? Kamisamadesu

I've always been very confused about the mpreg stuff. How does the..egg? get fertilized? I don't think feces would be very healthy for sperm to travel through. Especially this where he was like a magicafied birth giver, did he just grow ovaries and a uterus???? Would he also have a menstrual cycle? I feel like omegaverse and mpreg tropes really gloss over this stuff.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Vesper

So much was said, but I have no idea what is going on.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

Fuck you mean wait until he's older????? Fucking pedophile.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of True Education

Why are y'all out here getting mad telling ppl not to read cause they're just saying their opinion on how they didn't like the author's racism? If you guys don't like seeing it don't read the comments lmao.

The author was dead wrong for what happened, and dick riding isn't gonna change that. But I'm at least happy to know that there was an apology and now we're moving on with our lives, right guys?

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

Why are you guys acting like the uke is an idiot who doesn't know how to think for himself? He is a grown man, he is not stupid. He went into this relationship knowing full well what was going on. He was not being manipulated and he was never manipulated. Yes, he is a push over and it is hard for him to say no. But he had known the mc for like 6 years, if he didn't want to do anything he knows he could say no and everything would end. Stop infantilizing him, he is a grown. ass. man. With a fully developed and working brain might I add. But thats just my opinion I guess.

Dnghkq_ created a topic of Be, Be

Oh yes, instead of retaliating by, idk, maybe pushing the situation further, yelling to get his point across or punching ml in the fucking face, cause ya'll know he deserved it. HE RUNS AWAY???? Like i get that feeling of just wanting to run away from a situation that is not favorable to you, but does he have NO self preservation? Im gonna have to be honest, temporarily giving up on your dreams sounds a liiiiittle less important than the whole korean population being at basically every corner to tear you apart? But thats just my opinion.