bbiihoo [offline]'s feed

i just want to say that this was a treat to read !! i love clea's expressions, whether as clea or sitara !! i also feel a lot of sympathy for the real clea... she lost her parents bc of an insignificant person's pettiness and jealousy... and people have the audacity to say that she's evil. i'm just glad that both clea and sitara are able to find their own happiness. demon king, you attractive yet cruel man... please take care of lady clea.

and for sitara... i'm really glad that she finally felt the warmth and love and care that she deserves. her family, and the rest of her loved ones, really treasures her a lot... (▰˘◡˘▰)

ps. i knew it. i knew from the get go. ikemen with pure white hair and red eyes are nothing but trouble ( ̄∇ ̄") half of the men sitara is surrounded with are yanderes... one is a beautiful asshole while the other is the only one with braincells ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭