Not gonna lie, I do see a harem forming from a far. It started with our guy dying and then he meets this big boob goddess or whatever and she gives him a skill and then I guess he wakes up again? And literally he wakes up groping the boob of the girl in front of him what a greaaaaaaaat start man, way to go he'll be so misunderstood that everyone will call him a pervert(I bet)

It's okay, the thing is that there's something off with this. Like what's gonna happen in the aftermath you know? Our tanker is a nanny for this little girl and I don't know what will happen when she grows up it's like the guy here is her daddy right now no cap. I do hope the girl appreciates more our guy here(because he do be op)

Let's be real here, two best friends being selfish, basically wanting the main character to themselves. Girl wants it to be a boy, and the boy wants it to be a girl. It's kind of a mess but it's what makes this story interesting lololol. In my opinion it'll beeeee.............
Whatever the main character wants it to be.
HEY HEY MAN IT STARTED SO GOOD i'll be jumping from a whole sky if this updates omgogmgo