Wahhh! Am I going crazy? Why does San Lang keep putting on the eye patch then taking in off! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

XL doesn’t see his face in the pit, they’re in complete darkness until Banyue lights her ghost fire. Unfortunately, his anonymity wasn’t maintained in the drawing but I bet it’s hard to draw the illusion of pitch black darkness, have Ke Mo and XL visible and HC not visible. HC’s ‘true face’ is the one with the eye patch, where he’s even taller and older and without an eye. The manhua also assumes you’ve read the novel and already know what Hua Cheng looks like so it doesn’t cover it up for the reader.

I can’t imagine how emotionally and mentally driangung it was for Ash. While reading this, one thing that stuck to me the most was that. The emotions and feelings that happened wasn’t just acting for him. It was so much more. And it’s just so draining. I could never imagine beating all of that. I love Ash so much
Hey shin, so you could ship those books to me, I’ll make sure to make great use of them- I mean dispose them! (⌒▽⌒)