Except for Jinwoo and Sarang and the mom... EVERY OTHER CHARACTERS ARE ANNOYING AF!! They are all so selfish and manipulative!! Eungi is the lowest class of human, no doubt. Seohee bitch is shameless, keep taking advantage of the stupid guy who likes her. And Woojung srsly priortize a fcking girl over his friend, treat his bro like shit and blame Sarang for the broken family. BUT IT'S ACTUALLY HIM WHO REJECTED HIS BRO AND TEAR HIS FAMILY APART FFS!!
Ugh i just wanna let it out ( ̄へ ̄)
Jinwoo and Sarang are good people as a person so they rly deserve happiness tgt

Of course only Sarang and Jinwoo can be sweet because we have to cheer for them. If Woojung was sweet this would be more complicated. And now. Everything is nice Black and white.

This is like the 1st time I feel so uncomfortable when 2 guys become an item. I really really hate...the uke. I dont bother rmb his name. He is so selfish and manipulative, taking advantage if his friend's kindness and deliberately mess up his love life. He doesn't have the right to do so. Tomo on the other hand is such a sweet and thoughtful guy. He sincerely worries about his friend. His small actions and questions touch me deeply as i can see that he really cares. Getting so worried over those LIES. Ya the damn guy just make up lies to make himself look miserable to get Tomo's attention.
Tomo is pushed around and kinda forced into this relationship. I only see that Tomo is a straight sweet guy who treats his gf and friend well. Not someone who can just fuck a guy out of the blue.
The gf was such a cute girl. Tomo must have loved her and gave her attention if he's not distracted by his friend's fake pitiful situations. Ugh I was so angry when they broke up like that.
Ughhh I hate the uke so damn much. He doesnt even confess his feelings properly. Just acting overly possessive and demanding. I like Hinako but i really cannot like this one.

Tomo wasn't thoughtful and he certainly didn't quite care about any of his girlfriends. He knew damn well how Hideaki behaves and that he only cares about him when he has a girlfriend.
Still he puts him first, he doesn't turn off his phone even though he knows Hideaki will bother him. Both of the were selfish. The only difference is that Hideaki is more honest about it.

Hate to say this but i'm gonna be super disappointed if Subin end up with Hyunwoo :(( it's like your common bl plotline where the mc just end up with his straight crush miraculously, i dont want that!! I really really hope he end up with office hyung, tho i know it's a 0.01% chance

subin literally deserve more than hyunwoo ;(
Unpopular opinion:
Am i the only one who likes this pacing? I mean Yuyang does make sense, bc I'm also in a situation like him. He sees LiHuan as a friend, and that feelings can't just turn romantic over night, or after being confessed to. Also his concern is understandable, coz being gay in china is rough.
I also have a feeling DJun is kind of "criticizing" some extreme fujoshi thru his portrayal of the girl? Like they fetishize male-male relationships, and thinking that BL manhua works irl ( ̄へ ̄)
Well, believe it or not, this is actually how most females view gays in Japan, if not by disgust. They even have yaoi cafes in Japan. Western readers and others probably think pairing two males irl is just silly and crossing the line but this does happen quite frequently than you think.
wow kinda disappointed to read that...
Oops my wording sound off. I mean what they fantasize abt are mostly not true!!