For some reason in all gl there's always gotta be a giant misunderstanding of feelings and an "evil" ex that clouds their judgement and makes the love they previously had keep being brought up during their newly found one and I'm not saying the professor is bad or evil but I the way she's kind of just dragging min along without breaking things off or being real about how she feels is very wrong on her part and I have a gut feeling she's secretly seeing a man behind mins back and min will find out cuz she'll announce her engagement or something at school and min will be silent and not talk about it but yuna will be like what's wrong bbg and she'll tell her everything and they'll work together as friends at first until she realizes what she had with professor chick was fake love and her and yuna gon be a legit power couple making all the men and women jelly asf

I feel like everyone did something bad whether it be in the past or present xx Kind of a story ya have to follow through the end to figure out I think but maybe the sisters were friends with hirotos lil sis and she got in an accident cuz of whats his face the other guy cuz it seemed they all knew each other while they were younger and each of them remember only certain things of the past anyways its smut so the ending probably wont be that deep but I will stay for the plot ;; its took everything I had to keep reading after all the rapey scenes
The comment below mine is the only normal I've seen so far