can u guys give me a genre where the top/seme is so pathetic to their partner
Sorry if it's not entirely accurate OK :
Dawn of the dragon
Sura's lover (kinda)
Haunted by desire
Leash me up
Love so pure
My bias appeared ( after the regret arc don't worry no toxic)
Unintentional love story ( he is kinda pathetic soon)
The Third Ending ( not in the beginning tho)
Be My Baby
4 Week Lovers
Because of you
Honey Bear
BL motel
Anti P.T
Taming the Tiger
How do you do a casual comparative in your research???
just compare two or more groups by observing the effect of independent variable on dependent variable. Like for example you want to observe the effects of stress on people, you group a randomized picked subjects into two (or more) then experiment on them like stress them, make them feel insecure etc. That's when you'll get the results and that's what causal comparative research is, am i right?lolol
or you can read some articles in google if u don;t quite understand my explanation(hehe)(๑•ㅂ•)و✧:
I hope my fam didn't notice that I was grinning like a idiot in front of them