I love how yes she is saddened about the broken marriage and what could have been if things didn’t go wrong but she’s actually so fucking strong emotionally, she isn’t letting herself be stuck in past. She didn’t cry about finally letting go here in this chapter and is determined to move on.
I hate how i can't fkin hate young micheol to the point my heart broke when she threw away the old phone that young mincheol worked hard to gift her
young micheol already died for me. the mincheol right now is someone who got his soul switched to some villain idc
i hate how i like young mincheol. even current mincheol is self aware how worse he got
Seriously, I thought it would take longer but I'm happy that the author is being so realistic about it. She didn't wake up and became happy and bright, she is picking herself up little by little.
And by the looks of it, micheol is already noticing a pattern in his life. His life revolves around her, good and bad, and I hope he throws up from crying too hard
The way old Mincheol wasn’t a pervert and never sexualized her for having an unrealistically big body.. They weren’t cuddly with each other either. On top of that, she was the one who took the first step and kissed him. Also, they genuinely seemed to enjoy being with each other. For example, while eating jjangmyeon (?), they were just sitting separately, and I think it shows that they simply loved being in each other’s presence and spending quality time together. They knew they had so much time ahead of them and took their time. Let that bastard go back in time and fix his mistakes, damn it.
How could a person changed so much ?? He seems to be a perfect man... he was always there for her, protect her and he blushed so hard after their first kissed... i refused to believe this. It seems like 2 completely different person rather than a younger and older self.
Her ex husband WAS the perfect anime male romance ideal man ..... AND HOW HE FELL HARD FOR OUR GIRL. He is even thinking about her while he is with another woman..
Hope our young man here takes her away!!!
this bitch is literally so average in comparison to his teammates and yet he’s their collective moral compass like why are these sss-class dudes all following a guy who is the equivalent of an F rank with a cheat skill????
No harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem no harem
Who's gonna do the work of god and suggest me something similar?(literally on my knees)
every time mangago tags the most fwop fwop plap plap yaoi as shonen ai a kitten dies.
Dumbasses who won't listen to their mentors who are way stronger, smarter and more experienced than them
Liai coming back reminds me of how jobless I used to be. I used to defend Hyesung like my life depended on it...
I’m not one for alphaxalpha but I might see just because I watched him since the womb
Byul is in his teenage dirtbag stage. Ahh time sure has passed. I feel like a grandma