During the time we saw them together, the story kept coming back to the same conclusion: Even tho they were having normal moments as a couple and show us that they CAN be happy, Haesoo was not mentally ready for the relationship and he was constantly roleplaying being Taku's boyfriend, being reminded time and time again about Joowon because Haesoo did not take his time to find himself or process that he lost a part of him that lasted 10 years and worst, he ended up blaming himself for the bittersweetness of the situation. Taku knew this and he felt so insecure and frustrated because Haesoo is his boyfriend but he is not really his.
And you know what? Those problems should have been expected considering how they started their relationship. Please, don’t romanticize Taku begging on his knees for it while Haesoo was just feeling bad for him, this aspect simply shows that they didn't commit to their trial relationship because of "love".
Taku didn't wait for Haesoo and he decided to do this to himself because he was insecure, he decided to embrace his "selfish love" rather than respecting Haesoo and his decisions as an individual. They shouldn't be together, why you want Taku to be in a relationship that makes him feel unloved? Why you want Haesoo in a relationship where he has to force himself? I don't get it.
2020-11-18 20:41 marked

When they were young, Joowon had always prioritized protecting Haesoo because he was already in love with him, this is not debatable, this is obvious. Saying "don't fall for me because i won't fall for you" is something that Joowon deemed to be necessary in order to protect whatever they both had so they didn't have to be away from each other. They were 16 when they first met, it wasn't weird that they cannot consider each other as "siblings" and they weren't even raised together for long like the CBAW couple but it's definitely weird that they're fucking while their parents also did.
People say that Joowon is manipulative and controlling but Haesoo said that he likes it when Joowon gets jealous and this particular statement heavily impacted their dynamics. Joowon was willing to love Haesoo in whatever way Haesoo allows him to, this doesn't excuse his behavior and should be held accountable for that but it certainly is important to note this since it points to the fact that Joowon never intentionally does things based on whatever benefits him most. (This chapter proves my point, he even doesn't excuse himself for whatever wrong he did and acknowledges what he has done plus his action proves that he's trying to change in the Korean chapters ahead this and those really proved Joowon as a wonderful character, it made me love him so much)
I reread this and it made me realize how self centered, insecure and immature Haesoo is but even if he is built like that, he is still easy to push around. He was so petty and immature to sleep around to intentionally hurt Joowon because he knows what hurts him which is funny because he also thinks that joowon does not value him enough and he continues to intentionally hurt joowon. rather than saying it's contradicting, i'd say he's just looking for things to throw at joowon hoping joowon reacts just so he could prove that his 'hyung' does care but joowon also never really insisted what he truly wants. (stupid af, like? just talk u mfs)
Haesoo keeps projecting his insecurities on joowon like how he literally tries to make out joowon as someone very cold and unreachable to the point that he keeps on wishing for joowon to fail. he's shitty to think that he's the only one who has it hard just bc his feelings are hurt. like i said, being hurt is not an excuse for him to keep on wanting to hurt joowon bc joowon is literally hurting to but he never wanted haesoo to intentionally be hurt. (Kr chapters prove how all his actions were never driven by ill-intent, Joowon had always wanted the best for haesoo even when it will be him that will suffer)
Taku... I have no words for him. I do not want to be biased because I read the recent KR chapters but he literally doesn't get better. All he focuses was his feelings and wanting to see Haesoo get hurt because he wants him for himself. Literally thinks like a child getting desperate for not getting a candy. He used Haesoo's vulnerability to his advantage and kept wanting to push Haesoo to the edge to the point that it can only be him in the end, so no, it's not a "healthy relationship" his stans claim it to be and they both know that. Haesoo being selfish took the offer and Taku being selfish does it so he wins the stupid competition he has with Joowon in his head which he made up by himself. All he cares about is Haesoo staying in a relationship with him, he never genuinely cared for Haesoo, he wants to be with Haesoo because that's what he wants and he's got to have it like a brat. (I want them to end up together tho bc i just want joowon to be happy now. taehae suit each other bc they're of the same breed )
joowon is fr annoying in the next chapters like bruh why u fucking simp over a guy who only cares about himself, let him taste his own poison with taku seriously tho, i think haesoo gets better in the recent chapters, joowon becomes a fcking saint he ain't even want to hurt haesoo and wants to put haesoo first always like BURH U need to care about urself and taku... eerrr let's see in the upcoming chapters
i just had to say my best boy joowon literally noticed haesoo never wanted to be famous for being a model or for his looks, haesoo wants to be recognized as a writer but surprise surprise, who pushed him to put himself in the public eye bc he knows haesoo isn't shitty enough to write about his scandal? :P joowon had always supported haesoo being a writer and wanting to see him achieve his dreams while the other wants to capitalize on his sadness and compete with joowon bc of a competition he made up himself lol anyways three of them dumb as fuck when it comes to love (same tho lol my ex is someone like taku i fucking hate people like him who pretends to be there for you but is just actually to get what they want)
RANT OVER. no one reads this long ass essay of a comment but i just wanna put this out my chest bc i have truly embraced being a joowoner
2020-11-04 21:10 marked
Genuine question.