This is like my 5th time reading it over again and i still can't get over the ending i keep crying

Did the guy that was doing the torture ended up falling for the main character cuz the Q&A at the ending someone asked the the same question & the person said go back to 66 but I'm still missing it.. Can someone tell me .... PS I hope they really not trying to do an anime on it , its traumatizing but it does deserve a few awards!!!

Ah, the author said that Sangwoo is actually straight. So I assume he never fell in love with Bum (as that would obviously make him gay), so my favorite theory is that he was projecting his mom onto Bum (who kinda looked like her) and that's why Bum was forced to wear the dead mom's skirt all the time. Also in the times they had sex, the mom's face would be superimposed onto Bum from SangWoo's POV.
Honestly I wish they did love each other, just because I wanted Bum to have a little happiness. Bum really did love Sang Woo. And maybe Sang Woo loved Bum, but in a way that wasn't romantic. But I honestly don't think that he ever ended up falling in love with Bum :(

Thank you!!!! everything you said was understandable. I feel the same way .... he really did love sangwoo.. I thought he did cuz the old women said sangwoo was calling bum name on the hospital bed .. But he did damage by trying to choke him cuz he misunderstood. Was hoping he would communicate with Bum ... That y i was confused lol
I knew this was gonna happen she is gonna be so supportive on this relationship its cute i love it