Nixzawa created a topic of PASSION


Nixzawa created a topic of Phantom Busters

this was great i just hope mogari is okay after this

i like this but i always get it confused with ā€˜leveling with the godsā€™ bcuz of how similar they are

but my eye twitches every time i read ā€œRaunā€ LMAOOO

Nixzawa created a topic of Black Clover

WOAAHHH 3!! CHAPTERS AND YAMI IN EYELINER??? i have been blessed

i never thought heā€™d end up with the knights since he didnā€™t pick them based on looks but their soulā€¦ but this ending still kinda sucked bcuz like bro didnā€™t even think of her romantically like at all

well whatever. i enjoyed most of it so who cares

what kinda bullshit ass power is that??? fucking time?? istg his dad better not die omfg

Nixzawa created a topic of Bluelock

this chapter was formatted sooo weird i had no idea what i was reading but omg how long are we gonna stay on this one game weā€™ve been here since january

bro starts dying and everything immediately starts going to shit LMAOO

Nixzawa created a topic of Sunshine Shower

yeah thereā€™s no way heā€™s gonna believe that lmaooo so either yeonjae will say how he didnā€™t know what he was feeling was romantic or seoyoon will just say smth harsh and run away

Nixzawa created a topic of Volcanic Age

man or woman? i just started and i canā€™t tell

i just started and man this should be labeled a fucking comedy iā€™m fucking dying over here