oohhhh that's nice! at first i'm seriously worried for our homeboy but now i see a light. go go go satoru!
Everybody's fangirling over haru (and hook) while here I am loving every moment whenever miho appears. Love her so much, she's so cool!
what is this sorcery AHAHAHAH (i'm always fearful when this manga would go into hiatus once again) *given up.
jun got kitty-punched. (≧∀≦)and btw, I want to know more about how tomo might actually be an alien organism...
manga and anime is just an adaptation, you will be able to experience yoshida-sensei's intricate world through his novels. it's really good. I cannot remember the exact username, but someone in livejournal has translated the novels in english.
what is the link to the translation?
oohhhh that's nice! at first i'm seriously worried for our homeboy but now i see a light.
go go go satoru!