Not even half of my read mangas yet.
When I have the time I will transfer the manga titles I marked from my RSS accts.
I'm going crazy segregating my BL and
Het tags and list I decided to just create a separate one for my het and bi reads once and for all.
I like nice people and I am nice to them as well.
PS. You are 1,000 yrs too early to troll
this aunty. Your efforts will be ZERO FUCKS. If you want my attention, DM me directly.
I read anything and everything under the sun but I do have preferences.
Started anime at 1994 then I turned to manga. I only became a (super avid) manga otaku around 2004 then at 2006 created my first manga-related acct at livejournal. Been at mangatraders since it's early days at 2008. At 2010 I started hanging around mangafox (as takame) and that is where I've read all types of mangas.
I'm somewhat of a feminist. You'll see that in my list haha.
Favourite themes I can relate to:
☘ Strong Women
☘ Independent Women
☘ Dominant Women in a relationship
my BL-centric account with lots of thematic lists and tags
oohhhh that's nice! at first i'm seriously worried for our homeboy but now i see a light.
go go go satoru!