I read the manwha past this scene and for some reason I can't find the raws anymore, so if anyone has them. Drop the link?

They're available but keep at arms length

Theres a lot of things I have problems with this.
1) Not long enough chapters, they need to post longer ones because my attention span is not that short. The more they post the more it feels like it gets shorter.
Not to mention the fact that I'm starting to lose interest. Like I love it an all but miss ma'amz extend it please.
2) Not setting boundaries. I feel like its common sense to not just lash out or snap at people or in this case the spirits every time they do something. I feel like mc needs to be more firm and basically say "I call the shots. This is where we set the rules" Type shit.
Cause all I see is that she just snaps at the spirits in a "Comedic" way (In my eyes) and call it that, and then do it again when the spirits do the same mistake.
I have nothing against the fact that they want to have fun and experience the world outside of the house and see new things. But boundaries and rules are essential here ma'ams.
3) I would like to see the Mc get rid of that "Live a low life," mindset because non of that-- that I saw was not "Living on the low"

I don't remember much about this manwha but I'm here just to heavily criticize this.
If I remember correctly, fl is a grown ass woman that reincarnated into a child's body? Is not a grown ass woman then a teenager?
I find it weird that author is making her fall in love or making it seem like she's in love or feeling a certain type of way towards the ml at such a young age. Especially the ml who is a kid. IMO, I felt like ml thinking Fl as more as a companion or a friend rather than a love interest or a "Wife" (Even though they are legally husband a wife) at a young age and then finding out that it's more of a romantic feeling as he gets older.
would've sit better with me. (I don't make a lot of sense, but thats because it makes better sense in my head. Besides I don't want to give the age range because I completely forgot ml and fl's age.)
I wouldn't mind if ml courts the fl but the fl doesn't think much into it until her physical body is that of an adult, if not a teenager so that it wouldn't look just as weird or feel wrong.
But Chapter 81-83 is really cute but rubbed me the wrong way at the same time even with the kids (Ml and Fl) using the "My wife," "My husband" Shit. Anyway, gonna go cry in the corner with my single ass.

Not sure what point you're trying to get across. but I never implied that. You obviously didn't comprehend a single word I said.
"I wouldn't mind if ml courts the fl but the fl doesn't think much into it until her physical body is that of an adult, if not a teenager so that it wouldn't look just as weird or feel wrong." Re-read the sentence, babe.

"really will never understand how ppl can twist, what is a wholesome story into something pervy and weird… how does your mind even come to that conclusion?? Says a lot about y’all!" Yeah regardless of the points I made. It is somewhat "Wholesome."
But besides that, It feels like you're idolizing the fact that a grown ass woman can catch feelings for a child. Even if the body that of a child. The soul remains the same. Idc if you like it or not, It's weird. So you perceiving my intake of the story as "Something pervy" Is on you.
Not once did I say that it was pervy nor did I Imply that it was. Stop "twisting" what I said. And if you can't comprehend that then maybe you need to go back to english class and re-analyzing a text. Says a lot about YOU.
Well.. I guess I'll camp here for now..