Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 8:28 am

To those that want to support the author you can read the chapters here.


    Raft August 13, 2020 2:56 am

    I might get an account on there once I get a job

Ryofu Housen August 6, 2020 10:37 am

The Anime is also coming out in October.

Ryofu Housen August 5, 2020 7:32 pm

Usually with manhwa like this there are no consequences I am surprised.

Ryofu Housen July 31, 2020 4:08 pm

I said what I said.

Ryofu Housen July 31, 2020 3:39 pm

In the relationship between Jiha and Ye-un Jiha was not the asshole Ye-un was. Ye-un having a S&M relationship with Chulsoo while dating Jiha is considered cheating that is not a misunderstanding so Ye-un betrayed Jiha not the other way around. At the High School reunion if she just apologized and broke up with him it would have ended there but instead she lied and tried to make excuses.

People should be more mad at Chulsoo because he was the asshole that got between Jiha and Ye-un's relationship. He is the one that was acting like a stalker, disrespecting Ye-un boundaries texting her calling her master and using a spare key to come into her house for S&M play. Chulsoo and Ye-un are at more fault than Jiha for the situation at the High School reunion which is why Chulsoo does not deserve Ye-un's trust and why he deserves the way she treats him and why Ye-un deserves the way Jiha treats her.

Ye-un brought sex toys to a High School reunion(Who does that anyway?)Jiha is at fault for knocking down her bag but she should not have brought sex toys to a High School reunion and cheated on Jiha in the first place so that is also more on her.

In Chapter 45 Ye-un and Dorim raped Jiha that is a crime so sure while there are characters that get to judge Homin for comitting a crime and disrupting people's life Ye-un is not one of them. I think when Jiha called Homin and she suspected Jiha was working with him when she realized he wasn't she finally understood how much of a hypocrite and garbage person she is and that all this time Jiha was right which is why she started crying. Chulsoo deserves the way Ye-un treats him and Ye-un deserves the way Jiha treats her. So Jiha is the one that really deserves better not Chulsoo and definitely not Ye-un.

So Ye-un is the asshole not Jiha also in chapter 33 when Jiha told Ye-un

"You still haven't changed one bit. Because no matter who is actually responsible for the situation you always act like you're the victim"

Ye-un is not a victim she is a active participant in situations that she helps cause herself, also for the people that say Jiha talked bad about her, Jiha was telling the truth so he wasn't talking bad about her he was describing her.

    lcgc July 31, 2020 3:47 pm

    Very well said (*•ᴗ•*)و
    And I'm glad that someone pointed out the fact that she brought sex toys to a high school reunion, who does that? oml

    Weebo August 1, 2020 6:30 am
    Very well said (*•ᴗ•*)و And I'm glad that someone pointed out the fact that she brought sex toys to a high school reunion, who does that? oml lcgc

    I was thinking maybe she had just came back from ;) with Chulsoo

    Ryofu Housen August 1, 2020 6:52 am
    I was thinking maybe she had just came back from ;) with Chulsoo Weebo

    Even than they were doing S&M stuff at Ye-un's house so she could have just left them home she didn't have to bring them to the High School reunion lol.

    Weebo August 1, 2020 10:01 am
    Even than they were doing S&M stuff at Ye-un's house so she could have just left them home she didn't have to bring them to the High School reunion lol. Ryofu Housen

    Agreed:) (▰˘◡˘▰)

Ryofu Housen July 29, 2020 2:30 pm

I wanted her to suffer more I did not want her to have a happy ending.

Ryofu Housen July 22, 2020 7:40 am

Sina is annoying and she got what she deserved.

    Samy July 22, 2020 10:56 am

    How exactly is she annoying and deserving of that? From her perspective he's a betrayer and now he treated her like a trophy, not a human being.

    Ryofu Housen July 22, 2020 9:08 pm
    How exactly is she annoying and deserving of that? From her perspective he's a betrayer and now he treated her like a trophy, not a human being. Samy

    When she asked to leave he was ready to leave it isn't his fault people and her fiance are nosy. She did not even bother to try to get the facts from him. Also I dislike emotional people like Sina that act based on their own perceptions without gathering facts first they are the same kind of people that act based on rumors and opinions instead of facts.

    Samy July 22, 2020 9:32 pm
    When she asked to leave he was ready to leave it isn't his fault people and her fiance are nosy. She did not even bother to try to get the facts from him. Also I dislike emotional people like Sina that act base... Ryofu Housen

    Are you serious? He literally plotted the whole thing, he knew that her fiance would act like that so it is his fault, he used her. Also, she had a fact based on her perspective, if you came home and saw your husband in bed with another woman, suddenly waking up and acting like a usual cheater that tries to cover his act, would you be calm? Anyway, i have no problem since this is your personal opinion about not liking emotional people, but don't use it as something that makes her worthy of such a treatment. None of it is her fault, she wasn't the one that put him to jail, she was only a hurt person that decided to leave him since she felt betrayed and move on yet he stalked her, planned everything and used her on his revenge, taking advantage of her feelings.

    Ryofu Housen July 22, 2020 10:45 pm
    Are you serious? He literally plotted the whole thing, he knew that her fiance would act like that so it is his fault, he used her. Also, she had a fact based on her perspective, if you came home and saw your h... Samy

    Of course I would be calm I am always calm. I would simply tell them it is over because I can no longerr trust you. Even though the question is not applicable as I not believe in getting married in the first place.

    Samy July 22, 2020 11:17 pm
    Of course I would be calm I am always calm. I would simply tell them it is over because I can no longerr trust you. Even though the question is not applicable as I not believe in getting married in the first pl... Ryofu Housen

    But stay calm, i mean not do anything. See? You would react, you would leave him, something she also did lol you proved my point. She did nothing wrong.

    Samy July 22, 2020 11:18 pm
    Of course I would be calm I am always calm. I would simply tell them it is over because I can no longerr trust you. Even though the question is not applicable as I not believe in getting married in the first pl... Ryofu Housen


    Samy July 22, 2020 11:20 pm
    Of course I would be calm I am always calm. I would simply tell them it is over because I can no longerr trust you. Even though the question is not applicable as I not believe in getting married in the first pl... Ryofu Housen

    Also, since you don't like "emotional" people, why did you agree with what he did? He clearly acts on his "emotions".

    Ryofu Housen July 23, 2020 12:30 am
    Also, since you don't like "emotional" people, why did you agree with what he did? He clearly acts on his "emotions". Samy

    Having goals caused by a emotion and making plans to accomplish it is different than being emotional and acting on impulse. People are governed by many things emotions, information, instinct, memories, and their environment. When someone is being governed mostly by their emotions to the point they are no longer thinking independently I call that being emotional.

    When he was acting like a whining sore loser and got himself arrested years ago he was being emotional. The difference is now even though his actions are based on a emotion he is thinking independently to accomplish them and not on impulse. He still has feelings for Sina but he is not allowing that to interfere in his revenge instead he is using Sina as a chess piece to accomplish his goal even though he is well aware he will hurt her. That is not being emotional that is being cold and calculating.

    Samy July 23, 2020 8:03 am

    He pushed her down, she said no, yet to keep her from leaving he forced himself to her, is that not acting on emotions?It is, not only as a mere act but also based on the faces he made. Also altho you seem to use a lot of words on a single matter , you don't seem to give any valid explanations about the other parts of the discussion, such us how the heck one would deserve such treatment. The one who doesn't deserve anything like love from her is clearly him, since like you mentioned he became the same calculative prick like the person that put him in jail.

    Samy July 23, 2020 8:06 am
    Having goals caused by a emotion and making plans to accomplish it is different than being emotional and acting on impulse. People are governed by many things emotions, information, instinct, memories, and thei... Ryofu Housen

    Also taking revenge is based on emotions of hate and regret you felt when you got betrayed,calculation is only something you need to achieve it.

    Ryofu Housen July 23, 2020 12:09 pm
    Also taking revenge is based on emotions of hate and regret you felt when you got betrayed,calculation is only something you need to achieve it. Samy

    I already explained that having a goal caused by emotion is different than being emotional.
    Sina deserved it because her main goal was to pay off her fathers hospital debt and credit card debt which totaled 23,000,000 won yet she keeps letting her emotions get in the way of that goal. In chapter 3 instead of taking the settlement money she got angry and decided to press charges instead. In Chapter 4 when she decided to do the escort service Geonwoo gave her a out and requested her services for 30,000,000 won instead of accepting she got emotional, slapped him and left if she would have done her job back than like a responsible adult she would not have been put into that position. She promised to pay him the 30, 000,000 won back but couldn't do that either increasing her debt to 53,000,000 won and how she ended up working at his mansion in the first place. He even warned her "You still jump into situations head first without thinking don't you."

    Her whole character is her being governed solely by her emotions at the expense of everything else, and she deserved to be treated as a tool by Geonwoo because she is a flat emotional and annoying character with no goals that author is using as tool to serve as Geonwoo's love interest and male readers eye candy.

    As for Geonwoo he has always been a jealous stalkerish creep when it comes to Sina that is why he got arrested. Only difference between Geonwoo from than and now is he has power and 2 goals, to make Sina his, and to get revenge against her step sisters and ex-fiance for possibly killing his mother, so sure while Geonwoo is acting on emotions there is a goal behind it and he acts primarily to accomplish this goal, when Sina threatened to leave that was a threat to his goal of making her his thus he had to act to keep that from happening.

    I agree that he does not deserve Sina's love and that the way Geonwoo is attempting to make Sina his is disgusting and threatening to rape her was terrible but not every character can be as boring as Sina.

    Ryofu Housen July 23, 2020 12:11 pm
    Also taking revenge is based on emotions of hate and regret you felt when you got betrayed,calculation is only something you need to achieve it. Samy

    *can't be as boring as Sina.

    Samy July 23, 2020 12:33 pm
    I already explained that having a goal caused by emotion is different than being emotional. Sina deserved it because her main goal was to pay off her fathers hospital debt and credit card debt which totaled 23,... Ryofu Housen

    No, emotions are the main thing leading a revenge, and you have to be overly emotional from what happened to you in order to plan revenge. He is emotional, not only for the revenge but for other instances inside the webtoon too. As for Sina i agree that she's procrastinating with her responsibilities but that still doesn't make her deserving of all this. I agree with what you said about Geonwoo, he's the main reason i dropped this, I can't accept such a creep as a romantic interest. If there's one thing I'd blame Sina in this whole mess is being a pushover and accepting being treated this way by that trash without of course thinking that she possibly deserves all that since in the past she just moved on without causing harm to anyone. Like i said before, personal opinion about her is okay, i find some characters boring too but still this doesn't mean she's deserving of a punishment like that. So let's agree to disagree.

    BD4Life August 3, 2020 1:58 am

    She is annoying as heck b/c she has yet to get a serious grip on reality! She’s no longer daddy’s little rich girl, but a dirt poor, struggling woman! Real talk... you got to do what you got to do to make life work for you, and she won’t do better than Seo Geowoon! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    However, I wouldn’t say that “She got what she deserved!”

    BD4Life August 3, 2020 2:06 am
    Are you serious? He literally plotted the whole thing, he knew that her fiance would act like that so it is his fault, he used her. Also, she had a fact based on her perspective, if you came home and saw your h... Samy

    Chanbin is her ex-fiancé who dumped her!! (Emphasis on the EX) ╥﹏╥ So, I think her behavior was extreme, even if Geonwoon deliberately rubbed their relationship in Chanbin’s face! He’s the douche who called it quits! I don’t agree with Geonwoon’s method of revenge, but when is such a thing ever fair to the receiving party? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Ryofu Housen August 3, 2020 2:34 am
    She is annoying as heck b/c she has yet to get a serious grip on reality! She’s no longer daddy’s little rich girl, but a dirt poor, struggling woman! Real talk... you got to do what you got to do to make ... BD4Life

    Yeah she is a grown woman yet she is so childish.

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 9:20 am
    Yeah she is a grown woman yet she is so childish. Ryofu Housen

    She did not deserve being nearly raped by Geonwoo but I still stand by what I said when I say she deserved it, because what else does she have to offer besides being used as a trophy? She cannot even hold a job, yet all she does is complain.

    BD4Life August 7, 2020 6:56 pm
    She did not deserve being nearly raped by Geonwoo but I still stand by what I said when I say she deserved it, because what else does she have to offer besides being used as a trophy? She cannot even hold a job... Ryofu Housen

    I think the last part is really what friggin’ annoys me about her!( ̄へ ̄) She is very attitudinal, has no viable life skills, can’t hold a job, and yet hasn’t let go of that “complaining like a kid” personality flaw! She set herself up to be a trophy or arm ornament, but she’s displeased about it! WTH... This is where she needs to put on her big girl panties and be about her business as a woman to do something with her life. The debt accrued by her parents will always be there (no helping it), so do something adult-like while you’re struggling to make life work! Don’t just be a weak worm who’s proud, but friggin’ useless and needy on top of it!

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 7:17 pm
    I think the last part is really what friggin’ annoys me about her!( ̄へ ̄) She is very attitudinal, has no viable life skills, can’t hold a job, and yet hasn’t let go of that “complaining like a ki... BD4Life

    Exactly I would have even respected her if she went the gold digger route and used Geonwoo to get what she wanted instead of whinging like a brat like she deserves better.

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 7:28 pm
    No, emotions are the main thing leading a revenge, and you have to be overly emotional from what happened to you in order to plan revenge. He is emotional, not only for the revenge but for other instances insid... Samy

    How should he treat her? She has nothing to offer him but sex and to be a trophy. She cannot hold a job, he hired her to clean the mansion and she even complains about that.

    Sina complains about being used as a trophy but what else is she good for besides whining? It isn't like she is strong and independent. What Sina reminds me of are toxic masculinity men that think being aggressive, rude, and unpleasant makes them strong instead of just a insufferable nuisance.

    Samy August 7, 2020 9:03 pm
    How should he treat her? She has nothing to offer him but sex and to be a trophy. She cannot hold a job, he hired her to clean the mansion and she even complains about that.Sina complains about being used as a ... Ryofu Housen

    I agree she's not independent but are you serious? No, she doesn't deserve to be treated this way. Also she was pretty much searching for a job and living her life before this creep appeared right before her. He doesn't let her work anywhere but his house, then he suddenly tells her he loves her and then treats her as if she's a thing, not a human, uses her just like her ex did. She's weak yes but that doesn't make her deserving of that. I don't get how the fuck you find normal the way he treated her, stalked her, made her a piece of his little game and then used her when she literally did nothing to him? It literally wasn't her fault all those happened, see it from her point of view. Or is your logic that a person that may not have life skills and is weak should be beaten some more and mistreated because she's not perfect? Well, sorry she's not perfect and weak, she should be treated like trash based on you, right? Because thats literally how he made her feel.

    Samy August 7, 2020 9:06 pm
    How should he treat her? She has nothing to offer him but sex and to be a trophy. She cannot hold a job, he hired her to clean the mansion and she even complains about that.Sina complains about being used as a ... Ryofu Housen

    Seriously, I'm beyond Impressed you don't find anything wrong with the way he acts and his whole personality. She's weak, useless or whatever the hell you want to call her ,sure but he? He's not fucking right for treating her that way lmao He's nothing more than a piece of shit

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 9:49 pm
    Seriously, I'm beyond Impressed you don't find anything wrong with the way he acts and his whole personality. She's weak, useless or whatever the hell you want to call her ,sure but he? He's not fucking right f... Samy

    Geonwoo is definitely creepy, stalkerish, rapey and garbage. He can also do a lot better than Sina because she is a low bar.

    Samy August 7, 2020 11:51 pm
    Geonwoo is definitely creepy, stalkerish, rapey and garbage. He can also do a lot better than Sina because she is a low bar. Ryofu Housen

    Hmm? I'm not talking about his abilities? I'm just saying that what he did is something she did not deserve, it's literally like you're saying anyone "less useful" deserves to get mistreated , something which i find extremely ridiculous as an empathetic fellow being.

    Ryofu Housen August 8, 2020 4:04 am
    Hmm? I'm not talking about his abilities? I'm just saying that what he did is something she did not deserve, it's literally like you're saying anyone "less useful" deserves to get mistreated , something which i... Samy

    I don’t consider him treating her like a trophy mistreatment because in order for something to be mistreatment it has to be unfair and I still stand by her being treated like a trophy as something she deserved and was fair treatment.

    Samy August 8, 2020 8:13 pm
    I don’t consider him treating her like a trophy mistreatment because in order for something to be mistreatment it has to be unfair and I still stand by her being treated like a trophy as something she deserve... Ryofu Housen

    I don't think it's fair, it's emotional manipulation the whole thing he did, not only the trophy part.

    Samy August 8, 2020 8:16 pm
    I don’t consider him treating her like a trophy mistreatment because in order for something to be mistreatment it has to be unfair and I still stand by her being treated like a trophy as something she deserve... Ryofu Housen

    Also, like i said countless times, she literally did nothing to him, how exactly she deserves it? Or should we torture anyone who simply exists and has no skills?

    Ryofu Housen August 8, 2020 8:30 pm
    Also, like i said countless times, she literally did nothing to him, how exactly she deserves it? Or should we torture anyone who simply exists and has no skills? Samy

    She slapped him, took his money and didn't pay him back like she promised. That is how she was put into this situation in the first place.

    Samy August 8, 2020 8:33 pm
    She slapped him, took his money and didn't pay him back like she promised. That is how she was put into this situation in the first place. Ryofu Housen

    She slapped him because he acted like a creep, he deserved it also about the money, he gave them to her with that intention, he knew she couldn't return them and it's not like she didn't work to try and earn them back or run away.

    Ryofu Housen August 9, 2020 3:46 am
    She slapped him because he acted like a creep, he deserved it also about the money, he gave them to her with that intention, he knew she couldn't return them and it's not like she didn't work to try and earn th... Samy

    She slapped him because she sucks at being a esort and cannot hold a job it is not Geonwoo's fault she is a loser.

    Samy August 9, 2020 12:24 pm
    She slapped him because she sucks at being a esort and cannot hold a job it is not Geonwoo's fault she is a loser. Ryofu Housen

    Fine you can see it that way but he still planned the whole thing and she simply understood that, good she slapped him lol. Also whether she's a loser or not he had no reason to get in any way involved with her but you see he's so pathetic that he planned to trap her, a mere trash. He was even stupid enough to blame her for everything at the start just because she chose to leave him, truly pathetic, he thinks everything is all about him

    Samy August 9, 2020 12:26 pm
    She slapped him because she sucks at being a esort and cannot hold a job it is not Geonwoo's fault she is a loser. Ryofu Housen

    Also to plan a whole shit show just because he got slapped(based on what you said) is beyond funny and petty, he's no better than her, in fact he's worse.

    Ryofu Housen August 9, 2020 12:41 pm
    Fine you can see it that way but he still planned the whole thing and she simply understood that, good she slapped him lol. Also whether she's a loser or not he had no reason to get in any way involved with her... Samy

    He had a reason though he needed to see how much she knew before getting revenge on her family for killing his mother. If she was involved in anyway he would have had to crush her alongside the rest of her family members so he needed to make sure first.

    I am hoping that he trusts her and let's her know what is really going on so she can make a decision on if she wants to help him with his revenge or not that would be the most ideal outcome imo.

Ryofu Housen July 14, 2020 1:25 pm

I actually appreciate the Chulsoo situation.

Ryofu Housen July 10, 2020 10:35 pm

He is easily my favorite manhwa writer and Malja is a great story I recommend.

The Leash
Barefoot: The Leash 2
Difficult Choices
Low Life
The Birthday Present
The Nice Woman

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