I know my mom and her sisters do that(they're from China) so maybe it's just an east Asian thing? They do the same with seeded black grapes. The skins are super bitter, so no one eats them
I know my mom and her sisters do that(they're from China) so maybe it's just an east Asian thing? They do the same with seeded black grapes. The skins are super bitter, so no one eats them mangagrrl13
Oh wow I didn't know ppl actually peeled them thanks for letting me know
Is that a popular name? Wouldn't it have been funny if the sick hag's name was KAREN? Imagine all the Karen bashing. They missed a golden opportunity. TwistedCupid
Ahajahahahaha LMAO army of karens And idk if this name popular tbh not often I met the same name
Her getting killed with her absolutely enormous boings boings is throwing me off