It varies a lot. Psychotic characters (With good funny persona's ONLY) tickle my fancy. For example: This man is so hot GOD. On the opposite end, we have Kazuichi Soda who isn't psychotic but is hot and cute with a good persona and THEN we have the sexiest man alive This man is a sex god and NOBODY can tell me otherwise. Plus if we're talking hot a......
I understand ig. But it is JUST fiction. You can't just "get that out of the way", in the end you have to put it back in the way. It is fiction. Yes there will always be those weird ass people fetishizing a group of people. But that is a them problem. This is like when Ted Bundy blamed the crimes he did on porn. That is a him problem. I also don't ......
I used to have Theophobia when I was like 5 if you don’t know what Theophobia is, it is the fear of God and religion in general. I used to be afraid of God because I thought he was going to put me in hell for eternity. Now I don’t fear him but I hate him like my dad :). ( No offense to the Christians)
Ma'am? Spare some tittie milk?