Hot Boi's 101's experience ( All 1 )

Hot Boi's 101
20 09,2023
I do not possess a shlong (⊙…⊙ )   reply
20 09,2023

Hot Boi's 101's answer ( All 259 )

about question
Nope, but i plan to spend the day relaxing and not worrhing about my single status.   reply
28 days
about anal sex
Most smut is boring. I perfer reading something with a plot and not just sex. Sex is good and all, don't get me wrong, but when its the same copy & paste story, it gets boring. Unfortunately that is the case for most stuff on this site.   reply
06 02,2025
about question
They Might Be Giants... need I say more?   2 reply
06 02,2025
about question
I am almost 20 and I have never been in a real relationship.   4 reply
05 02,2025
Will definatly be eating all of that chinese takeout!   reply
04 02,2025

Hot Boi's 101's question ( All 129 )

Hot Boi's 101
04 02,2025
I saw that everyone was doing these fun games, so I wanted to give it a shot!

The apocalypse is nigh... what will be your fate? Spin the wheel and find out!
04 02,2025
about question
Hi ya'll! So im going off to college in the fall, and I was wondering if you guys had any advice for college (=・ω・=)
16 07,2024
about question
I know I have issues with eating. I've had it for the past three years, and I am underweight. Most of the time its that I forget to eat/pack a lunch, and has nothing to do with how I view myself. But everyone around me is over-reacting and Its getting annoying. Like, I get it, they care about me and want me to be ok or whatever, but like I can't stand it how they act like I need to be coddled. They'll say things like "are you sure you're full?" or "you barley ate your burger", and when I do get a larger than normal portion they have to point it out like its a big revelation. It makes me feel like Im something to be babied, and it's getting on my fucking nerves. I love them, don't get me wrong, but it's getting annoying.
Anyone else feel the same/know what Im talking about?
25 03,2024
about question
I am trying to get better at drawing men, so let me know hat y'all think.
19 01,2024