Most smut is boring. I perfer reading something with a plot and not just sex. Sex is good and all, don't get me wrong, but when its the same copy & paste story, it gets boring. Unfortunately that is the case for most stuff on this site. reply
I know I have issues with eating. I've had it for the past three years, and I am underweight. Most of the time its that I forget to eat/pack a lunch, and has nothing to do with how I view myself. But everyone around me is over-reacting and Its getting annoying. Like, I get it, they care about me and want me to be ok or whatever, but like I can't stand it how they act like I need to be coddled. They'll say things like "are you sure you're full?" or "you barley ate your burger", and when I do get a larger than normal portion they have to point it out like its a big revelation. It makes me feel like Im something to be babied, and it's getting on my fucking nerves. I love them, don't get me wrong, but it's getting annoying. Anyone else feel the same/know what Im talking about?