at least captain is grown and not a literal school girl. Y’all forget that Hajin isn’t a real high schooler but a grown ass man playing a character.

She is strong and we don’t know much about her yet, so there’s room to improve personality wise. Be for real

and DE WIG that scheming ass queen. SNATCH HER BALD

Not them taking out the specific characters I like in one shot

Reaaaaally don’t feel like sitting through an npc love story like be for real.

If Bjorn kept in contact, the guy would likely have expected to be carried. Being from outside of the game, that guy could have researched in the library for days to figure out what’s going on and read the room first instead of selling his stuff if he was too scared to fight. Bjorn essentially fed a man a fish and then gave him the means to go fish for himself.

Mad respect

sorreeeeee the flesh is weaaaaak

This shit is tired. You introduced her as shit and now want to paint it gold. I could understand if she was conceited INSIDE and we read her thoughts about how she is obsessed about winning. But she was both LOUD and wrong (and stayed back??) and was being a bully. Publicly, like that’s actually a lot. She has no redeeming character traits and we’re not given reasons to like her but expected to warm up to her next to him???

What is it about female characters and this type of mismatched bullshit. why y’all can’t fucking WRITE

the way he is upgrading his mindset, yaas yoojin

all them cute little past life weaklings deserve a fighting chance, too

he is your man, bestie, go get him

I’m such a scrutinizer of annoying flat boastful MCs but this story is GOOD.

I squinted at the first few chapters, but he’s humbled so quickly and progressively overcomes hurdles without being overpowered. Even the cheats don’t feel unfair compared to all he’s up against.

I’m honestly impressed. There’s lots of garbage manhwas in this genre but up to 65 (and I assume further) this is worth a read.


supernatural BL stay out of pocket

after the crazy hand-eye-monster arc, my brain felt like the story was complete. but it's not, and that super strong green clown villain is still at large.

idk, i'm just tired and then mad that i'm tired cause i love this manhwa

Plus, mentally isn't Hajin like 20s or 30s? while they're all high school kids. It wouldn’t be appropriate anyway or even in character. He already looks to them like they're his kids or creations.

This story is interesting otherwise but that shit is a big time waster.

aggravated seme add 1 photos to cuties!!!

hottie alert!

aggravated seme created a topic of Doctor’s Rebirth

after your date stood you up, and you're a 50-year-old virgin.


at Arnel’s change. Sure it ‘makes sense’ with the story (because ‘I said so’ logic) but from a writing standpoint it seems like her character is just being made more conventionally attractive for the sake of being the “right” love interest to Bjorn.

I loved how unique she was before, and the duality of being both a woman and physically imposing. She kicked ass. She still does (clearly), but the choice cheapens her character to do this to her, imo. It reasserts that female characters are accessories that still need to fit into the lookism box.