aggravated seme created a topic of Lord of Goblins

nah cause i dont even remember who tf heimo is

cause i want jupiter’s backstory

but i also want to see that vampire twink demolished

aggravated seme created a topic of Tower of God

the longer I see that Rachel still isn’t dead. Yes, I get it she wasn’t in this chapter but we all basically got PTSD from dealing with her for 600 chapters while she is let off slap on the wrist every time. I keep thinking in the back of my mind she is going to do some fuck-shit as usual in the next panel, slithering out of nowhere like a snake. It’s bad enough that the author supposedly “likes her” as I’ve seen a comment say before. Idk how far the book or whatever is but I can’t wait for her to be dust. Can’t even relax, damn.

Literally one of the worst contenders to be getting their alternate timeline memories back… anyway, buckle in bc I’m sure a long ass arc is coming… def not undoing that in a couple of chapters… (sigh).

I’m glad I let like 15 chaps build up. Shit got me turnt bruh. Damn… gotta wait again tho.

OK but is the Finest Sword supposed to actually be fine??? Cause I’m sweating a little, idk idk

aggravated seme created a topic of Lord of Goblins

hope it continues in a good direction lol

aggravated seme created a topic of Tower of God

would be such a juicy BL side plot

lord please place them booty butt nekkid in front of me


aggravated seme created a topic of Tower of God

The fuck he mean “Let me read it”



nah this is f-ing crazy. like bruh all these people died for literally no reason. cause some delusional chump in an unfashionable mask had an attitude

I feel like they powerscaled miyamoto too much because if dan beats him rn it will absolutely be plot protection. You can’t make him THIS much stronger and call it hard work. He is in a whole different class than these kids and tbh it’d be a waste to kill him w/ plot protection…

I dont remember the last time I read a boss fight that was drawn and paced well

damn this samurai dude is a badass

with officer song. Like i can’t even be mad at yall for being thirsty

man is really bbgrl

ლ(´ڡ`ლ) looking forward to the fight

This woman said she bet 20 years of her life to know a line in the prophecy that she might have misinterpreted

and knowing this mf KDJ, he is probably going to break out and make her efforts for nothing

The plot: Anyway, chile

like somehow im embarrassed ??

aggravated seme created a topic of Doctor’s Rebirth

Shonen out here be one of the worse writers of romance, period. But y’all are freaking out over nothing rn.

There was nothing to indicate there will be any. And the awkwardness is already explained bc she is dense like her father and thinks she should have top tier accomplishments to show MC even tho she is already an advanced warrior.

Take a deep breath, yall.

its rough in these slow update streets. I don’t remember who kim woojoung is

or where we met him lmao